c++ Programming Glossary: core.hpp
OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Advanced square detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10533233/opencv-c-obj-c-advanced-square-detection of how you could do this #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc..
Using OpenCV 2.4.0 in a Visual studio 2010 project http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10831088/using-opencv-2-4-0-in-a-visual-studio-2010-project how to Add these to your stdafx.h #include opencv2 core core.hpp cv Mat etc always need this #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp..
OpenCV SURF function is not implemented http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11175794/opencv-surf-function-is-not-implemented opencv2 features2d features2d.hpp #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 legacy..
OpenCV's Canny Edge Detection in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11987483/opencvs-canny-edge-detection-in-c image generated by the code below. #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc..
Writing Python bindings for C++ code that use OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12957492/writing-python-bindings-for-c-code-that-use-opencv #include numpy ndarrayobject.h #include opencv2 core core.hpp The following conversion functions are taken from OpenCV's cv2.cpp..
Error in opencv code for motion detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14309111/error-in-opencv-code-for-motion-detection include you should have are... #include opencv core core.hpp #include opencv highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv imgproc.. #include iostream #include stdlib.h #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc..
Reading a video with openCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14833553/reading-a-video-with-opencv openCV. here 's the code that I used #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include iostream using.. the same error using the code below #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 opencv.hpp..
Training custom SVM to use with HOGDescriptor in OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15339657/training-custom-svm-to-use-with-hogdescriptor-in-opencv LINEAR_SVM_H_ #define LINEAR_SVM_H_ #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 ml ml.hpp class LinearSVM public CvSVM public..
debug websocket++ broadcast_server.cpp ('owner_less' is not a member of 'std') http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15423931/debug-websocket-broadcast-server-cpp-owner-less-is-not-a-member-of-std 31 from root websocketpp experimental websocketpp config core.hpp 35 from root websocketpp experimental websocketpp config asio_no_tls.hpp.. 31 from root websocketpp experimental websocketpp config core.hpp 35 from root websocketpp experimental websocketpp config asio_no_tls.hpp..
How to link opencv in QtCreator and use Qt library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15881913/how-to-link-opencv-in-qtcreator-and-use-qt-library main file main.cpp #include iostream #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv cv.h using..
OpenCV : libopencv_core.so.2.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19164343/opencv-libopencv-core-so-2-4-cannot-open-shared-object-file-no-such-file-or #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc_c.h #include opencv2 imgproc..
OpenCV 2.3 Compiling Issue - Undefined Refence - Ubuntu 11.10 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7816607/opencv-2-3-compiling-issue-undefined-refence-ubuntu-11-10 2.3 but I'm getting a weird error. #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp int main cv Mat image cv..
How to detect the Sun from the space sky in OpenCv? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8218997/how-to-detect-the-sun-from-the-space-sky-in-opencv is the code that I used to do this #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc..
Finding Contours in OpenCV? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8449378/finding-contours-in-opencv and outer contour. #include iostream #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include opencv2 highgui..
OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Proper object detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8593652/opencv-c-obj-c-proper-object-detection snippet I used to find this range #include opencv2 core core.hpp #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc..