c++ Programming Glossary: coordinates
Graph nodes coordinates evaluation [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15579069/graph-nodes-coordinates-evaluation nodes coordinates evaluation closed Which of these Graph drawing C library libraries.. drawing C library libraries can be used to evaluate nodes coordinates I mean I want to draw and manipulate graph by clicking on it.. on it to add some nodes or delete and then evaluate coordinates using some lightweight library. All I need is algorithm which..
What is the fastest way to transpose a matrix in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16737298/what-is-the-fastest-way-to-transpose-a-matrix-in-c fastest way to transpose a matrix would be to invert your coordinates when you do a look up then you do not have to actually move..
Why should I avoid multiple inheritance in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/406081/why-should-i-avoid-multiple-inheritance-in-c . For example you could have a system of Nodes with X Y Z coordinates able to do a lot of geometric calculations perhaps a point part..
Blob extraction in OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4641817/blob-extraction-in-opencv and then get rid of the smaller ones and find the x y coordinates of the largest 'blob' I was looking for recommendations as to..
Convert Lat/Longs to X/Y Co-ordinates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4953150/convert-lat-longs-to-x-y-co-ordinates to do this . Any code would be much appreciated. c maps coordinates coordinate systems share improve this question You need.. The easiest approach is to figure out exactly what lat lon coordinates correspond to the 0 0 pixel and the 1017 915 pixel. Then you.. minLat works out how far you are between the two reference coordinates and gives 0 to indicate that you are at the first one 1 to indicate..
How to implement the factory pattern in C++ correctly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5120768/how-to-implement-the-factory-pattern-in-c-correctly be able to construct it both from both Cartesian and polar coordinates. Obviously I cannot do struct Vec2 Vec2 float x float y Vec2..
OpenGL define vertex position in pixels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7377912/opengl-define-vertex-position-in-pixels It is called transformation. Vertices are set in 3D coordinates which is transformed into a viewport coordinates into your window.. set in 3D coordinates which is transformed into a viewport coordinates into your window view . This transformation can be set in various..
get 3d coord from 2d image pixel if we know extrinsic and intrinsic parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7836134/get-3d-coord-from-2d-image-pixel-if-we-know-extrinsic-and-intrinsic-parameters u v R t I can find X Y Z However both the results of 3D coordinates are different with each other and also both of them not correct...
Executing cv::warpPerspective for a fake deskewing on a set of cv::Point http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7838487/executing-cvwarpperspective-for-a-fake-deskewing-on-a-set-of-cvpoint idea to store the original points of the ROI since the coordinates will change a little bit to fit into the rotated rectangle and..
Image scaling (KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) through OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9011108/image-scaling-keepaspectratiobyexpanding-through-opengl gl_width 2 gl_width offset_x 2 break Mirroring texture coordinates to flip the image vertically glBegin GL_QUADS glTexCoord2f 0.0f.. IgnoreAspectRatio gl_width 2 gl_height 2 OpenGL normalized coordinates are 1 to 1 .. hence width or height 1 1 2 break case 2 KeepAspectRatio.. at least not to say wrong. Also normalized OpenGL coordinates provided a simple orthogonal view are in range 1 1 for lower..