

c++ Programming Glossary: constructible

How can I efficiently select a Standard Library container in C++11?


the course of the program and the elements are default constructible or you can provide a full initialization list using the .....

Why is it wrong to use std::auto_ptr<> with standard containers?


The C Standard says that an STL element must be copy constructible and assignable. In other words an element must be able to be..

“What happened to my SFINAE” redux: conditional template class members?


container that can hold types that may or may not be copy constructible and I need to flip methods on and off based on that. As a workaround..

Inferring the call signature of a lambda or arbitrary callable for “make_function”


with C 11 lambdas where a copy assignable and default constructible type is required. std function would be ideal but there seems..

compiler error with C++ std::vector of array


called the container's value type must be both copy constructible and assignable. Arrays are neither. You can however use an array..

Performance degradation due to default initialisation of elements in standard containers


actually slower than the first one for sufficiently simply constructible objects such as size_t s when for simple_function size_t i return..

1D or 2D array, what's faster?


like here's a simple example with some basic features size constructible resizable operator for element access Source #include vector..

Is there a standard sign function (signum, sgn) in C/C++?


ints floats doubles unsigned shorts or any custom types constructible from integer 0 and orderable. Fast copysign is slow especially..

Is there a way to test whether a C++ class has a default constructor (other than compiler-provided type traits)?


being ill formed. template class T class is_default_constructible template int x class receive_size template class U static int.. iostream using namespace std int main cerr is_default_constructible int value endl outputs 1 fails to compile access violation FCD.. violations be unrecoverable indeed it's murky q is default constructible but only rarely is_default_constructible q value endl is_default_constructible..

decltype, result_of, or typeof?


use T as it's nonstatic If T isn't a valid T not default constructible you will want declval which is a function that takes a type..

STL map containing references does not compile


references in an stl container because types must be copy constructible and assignable. References can not be assigned. Exactly what..

OneOfAType container — storing one each of a given type in a container — am I off base here?


on the types that value can store they need to be copy constructible and have a public destructor. What if all types you use have..

Correct way to work with vector of arrays


called the container's value type must be both copy constructible and assignable. Arrays are neither. You can however use an array..

Isn't the template argument (the signature) of std::function part of its type?


problem is that both function int and function int int are constructible from the same function. This is what the constructor declaration.. _Fx value int _Type 0 Ignoring the SFINAE part it is constructible from pretty much anything. std boost function employ a technique..

Building boost::options from a string/boost::any map


boost any for example by requiring the erased type be copy constructible and type safe and can simulate boost function by additionally..

Why does the C++ map type argument require an empty constructor when using []?


questions 695372 c standard list and default constructible types Not a major issue just annoying as I don't want my class..

Call function with parameters extracted from string


class T static T get std istream args T t must be default constructible if args t args.clear throw std invalid_argument invalid argument..

Conflict between copy constructor and forwarding constructor


defined default constructor as long as T is default constructible . IIUC determination of a class' copy construction policy ignores..

Does std::bind work with move-only types in general, and std::unique_ptr in particular?


only functor in the process. std function requires a copy constructible functor. It sounds like boost asio does too. When you call the..