

c++ Programming Glossary: conservative

Should I return std::strings?


I don't believe that Bjarne Stroustroup so famous for his conservative only pay for what you use dictum would have permitted an obvious..

Set all bytes of int to (unsigned char)0, guaranteed to represent zero?


Why is it not possible to overload class templates?


a howl of protests. I was trying to be cautious and conservative I now consider that a mistake . Specialization as originally..

Is is_constexpr possible in C++11?


for you. The notion of potentially evaluated is much more conservative than the limits of what constant expressions apply. So the above..

Why should exceptions be used conservatively?


should exceptions be used conservatively Possible Duplicate Why is exception handling bad I often.. flow What is the philosophy behind being exceptionally conservative with how they are used Semantics Performance Complexity Aesthetics..

Spinlock versus Semaphore


usually it isn't then it can be a very efficient CPU conservative approach. 3. How they behave in presence of congestion It is..

How to speed up my sparse matrix solver?


your convergence rate quite well even for a relatively conservative relaxation value say 1.5 . Use conjugate gradient. If this is..

Why does C++ not have reflection?


. It's a lot of work to add and the C committee is fairly conservative and don't spend time on radical new features unless they're..

Is there a reason on not allowing lambdas to deduce the return type if it contains more than one statement?


he said it's trivial to implement. The committee is very conservative about accepting features into the Standard so they went with..

On what architectures is calculating invalid pointers unsafe?


that I need to avoid or if the C standard is just being conservative to support some bizarre architectures that my code is never..

C++ standard library and Boehm garbage collector


latest C 11 standard . I really want to use Boehm's conservative garbage collector for all my heap allocations because I want..

Garbage collection Libraries in C++ [closed]


open source and can be used in commercial software. It's a conservative collector and has a long history of development by one of the..

strict aliasing and alignment


code. If we allow free aliasing then the compiler must be conservative in its optimizations and must perform the extra store 3 in each..