c++ Programming Glossary: consoles
WINMAIN and main() in C++ (Extended) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13871617/winmain-and-main-in-c-extended that WINMAIN is used for window applications and main for consoles. But reading the post doesn't really tell me why exactly what..
C++ Console Progress Indicator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1424948/c-console-progress-indicator character. That is carriage return by itself and on most consoles it returns the cursor to the beginning of the line without moving.. using a screen drawing library like curses. The Windows consoles have some other ways of setting them for direct screen writing..
C++ Visual Studio character encoding issues http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1857668/c-visual-studio-character-encoding-issues . To fix it I had to change the font I use on consoles to Lucida Console a true type font . Some interesting things..
When would you use an array rather than a vector/string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/594522/when-would-you-use-an-array-rather-than-a-vector-string particular if you target special platforms embedded game consoles etc. where STL might not be present. Old projects or projects..
How to use the ANSI Escape code for outputting colored text on Console http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7414983/how-to-use-the-ansi-escape-code-for-outputting-colored-text-on-console c dmHELLO n 0x1B 32 Unfortunately it will only work on consoles that support ANSI escape sequences like a linux console using..
Portable text based console manipulator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7876241/portable-text-based-console-manipulator manipulator Applications can manipulate text based consoles or terminals and change their colors set cursor position .....