

c++ Programming Glossary: const_reverse_iterator

Why does removing the _first_ element of a list invalidate `.rend()`?


3 4 5 6 auto i find begin v end v 3 cout i endl vector int const_reverse_iterator ri i cout ri endl The output should be 3 2 When a reverse iterator..

Can I convert a reverse iterator to a forward iterator?


std deque Move const_iterator currentfwd std deque Move const_reverse_iterator currentbck bool bForward The Advance function is as follows..

How to convert a sorted std::list of std::pair to a std::map


insert faster. I believe the easiest way would be to use a const_reverse_iterator to go through the std list and to use the begin of the std map..

Writing your own STL Container


optional typedef std reverse_iterator const_iterator const_reverse_iterator optional X X const X ~X X operator const X bool operator const.. const_iterator cend const reverse_iterator rbegin optional const_reverse_iterator rbegin const optional const_reverse_iterator crbegin const optional.. optional const_reverse_iterator rbegin const optional const_reverse_iterator crbegin const optional reverse_iterator rend optional const_reverse_iterator..