c++ Programming Glossary: applicable
How to debug heap corruption errors? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1010106/how-to-debug-heap-corruption-errors
What new capabilities do user-defined literals add to C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/237804/what-new-capabilities-do-user-defined-literals-add-to-c At first glance this looks very cool but I'm wondering how applicable it really is when I tried to think of having the suffixes _AD..
C/C++ include file order/best practices [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2762568/c-c-include-file-order-best-practices order i.e. h file corresponding to this cpp file if applicable headers from the same component headers from other components..
Initializing an object to all zeroes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2837854/initializing-an-object-to-all-zeroes Hopefully it is understood that this is only currently applicable to POD structures you'd get all sorts of havoc if there was..
Passing Variable Number of Arguments with different type - C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3555583/passing-variable-number-of-arguments-with-different-type-c to figure out how to pass in the class. If ellipsis isn't applicable over here what are the options available I want to let the user..
How do I start a CUDA app in Visual Studio 2010? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3778799/how-do-i-start-a-cuda-app-in-visual-studio-2010 file to the build but I've gathered that this is only applicable to VS 2008. Under Build Customizations I see CUDA 3.1 and 3.2..
C++ calling delete on variable allocated on the stack http://stackoverflow.com/questions/441831/c-calling-delete-on-variable-allocated-on-the-stack or deletion the destructor is called automatically where applicable . In general you cannot mix and match any of these e.g. no free..
Static polymorphism definition and implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4557141/static-polymorphism-definition-and-implementation of C but I'd appreciate language agnostic answers where applicable hence tagging both C and language agnostic . How do we define..
When to use volatile with multi threading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4557979/when-to-use-volatile-with-multi-threading machine code instruction. This makes volatile directly applicable to systems level programming rather than normal applications..
C/C++: When would anyone use a union? Is it basically a remnant from the C only days? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4788965/c-c-when-would-anyone-use-a-union-is-it-basically-a-remnant-from-the-c-only tend to give very few practical examples of their use or applicable area or use. When would unions be useful in a modern or even..
When do function-level static variables get allocated/initialized? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55510/when-do-function-level-static-variables-get-allocated-initialized declared variables get allocated and initialized if applicable at program start time. int globalgarbage unsigned int anumber..
When to use reinterpret_cast? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/573294/when-to-use-reinterpret-cast internally for implicit casts also. reinterpret_cast are applicable in two scenarios convert integer types to pointer types and..
Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/610245/where-and-why-do-i-have-to-put-the-template-and-typename-keywords parameter is assumed not to name a type unless the applicable name lookup finds a type name or the name is qualified by the.. is not necessary because the compiler can with the applicable name lookup in the template definition figure out how to parse..
How to Compile for OS X in Linux or Windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/693952/how-to-compile-for-os-x-in-linux-or-windows compiling for the Mac I can't say how good they are or how applicable to your project. In the documentation they refer to these instructions..
Memory management in C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/76796/memory-management-in-c managing memory manually try to use smart pointers where applicable. Take a look at the Boost lib TR1 and smart pointers . Also..
Why is one loop so much slower than two loops? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8547778/why-is-one-loop-so-much-slower-than-two-loops link is about Sandy Bridge but the idea should still be applicable to Core 2. Region 3 At this point the data no longer fits in..
Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9371238/why-is-reading-lines-from-stdin-much-slower-in-c-than-python is too pertinent. Edit 2 Removed this edit as no longer applicable for i in 1..5 do echo Test run i at `date` echo n CPP cat test_lines..
With explicitly deleted member functions in C++11, is it still worthwhile to inherit from a noncopyable base class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9458741/with-explicitly-deleted-member-functions-in-c11-is-it-still-worthwhile-to-inh . Are the advantages put forward in this question still applicable to C 11 I don't get why some people claim it's easier to make..
Is returning with `std::move` sensible in the case of multiple return statements? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9532608/is-returning-with-stdmove-sensible-in-the-case-of-multiple-return-statements when dealing with a return statement. It's also not applicable for subobjects of local variables that are about to go out of..