c++ Programming Glossary: arbitrarily
C++ Efficiently Calculating a Running Median http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10930732/c-efficiently-calculating-a-running-median to whichever heap has the smaller count or to either heap arbitrarily if they have the same count. If that causes the counts of the..
Where can we use list initialization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13267277/where-can-we-use-list-initialization takes a std initializer_list argument can be passed an arbitrarily long list of values which the constructor can iterate over via..
Why choosing for (;;){} over while(1)? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13545237/why-choosing-for-over-while1
How do I gaussian blur an image without using any in-built gaussian functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1696113/how-do-i-gaussian-blur-an-image-without-using-any-in-built-gaussian-functions across a row and column. e.g for a filter defined arbitrarily as ie this isn't a gaussian but probably not far off 0.1 0.8..
How is std::function implemented? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18453145/how-is-stdfunction-implemented and given enough references variables that size can be arbitrarily large . An std function should have a fixed size but it must..
Calculate the factorial of an arbitrarily large number, showing all the digits http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1966077/calculate-the-factorial-of-an-arbitrarily-large-number-showing-all-the-digits the factorial of an arbitrarily large number showing all the digits I was recently asked in.. to describe a method to calculate the factorial of any arbitrarily large number a method in which we obtain all the digits of the..
The best cross platform (portable) arbitrary precision math library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2568446/the-best-cross-platform-portable-arbitrary-precision-math-library suggestions The primary requirements It MUST handle arbitrarily big integers my primary interest is on integers . In case that.. is on integers . In case that you don't know what the word arbitrarily big means imagine something like 100000 the factorial of 100000..
Why are Hexadecimal Prefixed as 0x? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2670639/why-are-hexadecimal-prefixed-as-0x Since octals were still needed for other machines 0x was arbitrarily chosen 00 was probably ruled out as awkward . C# is a descendant..
How to handle arbitrarily large integers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/310276/how-to-handle-arbitrarily-large-integers to handle arbitrarily large integers I'm working on a programming language and today..
C++ semantics of `static const` vs `const` http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3709207/c-semantics-of-static-const-vs-const
Why is including “using namespace” into a header file a bad idea in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4872373/why-is-including-using-namespace-into-a-header-file-a-bad-idea-in-c as headers can be included directly or indirectly by arbitrarily huge amounts of dependent code and... removing the using statement..
Class for calculating arbitrarily large numbers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4907806/class-for-calculating-arbitrarily-large-numbers for calculating arbitrarily large numbers I was wondering if there might not be a class..
Is there a general consensus in the C++ community on when exceptions should be used? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5609503/is-there-a-general-consensus-in-the-c-community-on-when-exceptions-should-be-u identical in about all semantic aspects and errors can be arbitrarily enriched much like exceptions you don't have to use a simple..
Polymorphism in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5854581/polymorphism-in-c i.e. inside templates or macros we're trying to support an arbitrarily large range of types but often want to express operations on..
How to insert a countdown timer in a quiz program that is created using c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7056619/how-to-insert-a-countdown-timer-in-a-quiz-program-that-is-created-using-c any sort of wall clock like the system clock which may be arbitrarily manipulated at any time . Note if steady_clock isn't in your..
Is there a limit to the length of identifier names in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7392726/is-there-a-limit-to-the-length-of-identifier-names-in-c lex.name of the C standard says An identifier is an arbitrarily long sequence of letters and digits. However variable names..
Handle arbitrary length integers in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8146938/handle-arbitrary-length-integers-in-c a good C library for handling doing operations etc... with arbitrarily large numbers it can be a library that handles arbitrary precision..
Is there any real risk to deriving from the C++ STL containers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/922248/is-there-any-real-risk-to-deriving-from-the-c-stl-containers p1 return 0 Is there any possible error that even an arbitrarily hapless user could introduce in the section which will result..