c++ Programming Glossary: ar
How to combine several C/C++ libraries into one? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13128/how-to-combine-several-c-c-libraries-into-one to combine several C C libraries into one I'm tired of adding ten link libraries into my.. C C libraries into one I'm tired of adding ten link libraries into my project or requiring eight of them to use my own... eight of them to use my own. I'd like to take existing libraries like libpng.a libz.a libjpeg.a and combine them into one..
Logic differences in C and Java http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2028464/logic-differences-in-c-and-java logic in Java class Check public static void main String ar int a 10 20 30 40 50 int index 2 a index index index 2 for int.. same result in both languages why java c c operators share improve this question That is because a index index index.. stored . Since there's no good way to define it the Standard declares that it is undefined and that portable programs simply..
Linking static libraries to other static libraries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2157629/linking-static-libraries-to-other-static-libraries static libraries to other static libraries I have a small piece of code that.. static libraries to other static libraries I have a small piece of code that depends on many static.. have a small piece of code that depends on many static libraries a_1 a_n . I'd like to package up that code in a static library..
Convert a Static Library to a Shared Library (create libsome.so from libsome.a): where's my symbols? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2193944/convert-a-static-library-to-a-shared-library-create-libsome-so-from-libsome-a a Static Library to a Shared Library create libsome.so from libsome.a where's.. a Static Library to a Shared Library create libsome.so from libsome.a where's my symbols.. a Static Library to a Shared Library create libsome.so from libsome.a where's my symbols the title..
dynamic_cast in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2253168/dynamic-cast-in-c B b2 dynamic_cast B ap 'b' C c dynamic_cast C ap NULL. A ar dynamic_cast A ap Ok. B br dynamic_cast B ap Ok. C cr dynamic_cast.. i could better understand things c c dynamic cast share improve this question Here's a rundown on static_cast and.. time. It will only perform the cast if the type types are related. If the types are not related you will get a compiler..
Using C/C++ static libraries from iPhone ObjectiveC Apps http://stackoverflow.com/questions/376966/using-c-c-static-libraries-from-iphone-objectivec-apps C C static libraries from iPhone ObjectiveC Apps Is it possible to have a C static.. ObjectiveC Apps Is it possible to have a C static library API which uses C internally and hide this from users of the.. uses C internally and hide this from users of the library I have writen a portable C library I wish to statically link..
Can someone explain this template code that gives me the size of an array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/437150/can-someone-explain-this-template-code-that-gives-me-the-size-of-an-array explain this template code that gives me the size of an array template typename T size_t n size_t array_size const T n.. the size of an array template typename T size_t n size_t array_size const T n return n The part that I don't get is the.. T size_t n size_t array_size const T n return n The part that I don't get is the parameters for this template function...
Boost Serialization using polymorphic archives http://stackoverflow.com/questions/478668/boost-serialization-using-polymorphic-archives Serialization using polymorphic archives I am working on a client server application that uses.. server application that uses boost serialization library for it's serialization needs. I need to serialize and deserialize.. class boost serialization access void serialize boost archive polymorphic_iarchive ar const unsigned int file_version..
How do you serialize an object in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/523872/how-do-you-serialize-an-object-in-c do you serialize an object in C I have a small hierarchy of objects that I need to serialize and transmit via a socket.. online code samples or tutorials EDIT Just to be clear I'm looking for methods on converting an object into an array.. I'm looking for methods on converting an object into an array of bytes then back into an object. I can handle the socket..
How to create a static library with g++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5947067/how-to-create-a-static-library-with-g to create a static library with g Can someone please tell me how to create a static library.. g Can someone please tell me how to create a static library from a .cpp and a .hpp file Do I need to create the .o and.. I would also like to know how can I compile a static library in and use it in other .cpp code. I have header.cpp header.hpp..
Building glew on windows with mingw http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6005076/building-glew-on-windows-with-mingw 32b build i would be very grateful c mingw glew share improve this question To build it with MinGW you should do.. W Iinclude DGLEW_BUILD o src glew.o c src glew.c gcc shared Wl soname libglew32.dll Wl out implib lib libglew32.dll.a.. lib lglu32 lopengl32 lgdi32 luser32 lkernel32 # Create library file lib libglew32.dll.a ar cr lib libglew32.a src glew.o #..