c++ Programming Glossary: app's
Logging/monitoring all function calls from an application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/152097/logging-monitoring-all-function-calls-from-an-application What does crashes at startup mean at windows startup or app's startup Use this debugger package to troubleshoot. share improve..
How to get hWnd of window opened by ShellExecuteEx.. hProcess? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3269390/how-to-get-hwnd-of-window-opened-by-shellexecuteex-hprocess sei.fMask SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS sei.hwnd hWndMe This app's window handle sei.lpVerb _T open sei.lpFile tstrNotepad_exe.c_str..
Global variables (again) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4101856/global-variables-again state less or static objects like a logger or perhaps your app's configuration things that are either read only or write only..
How do I enforce an expiration date for a trial install of my software? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5488249/how-do-i-enforce-an-expiration-date-for-a-trial-install-of-my-software causes Windows to pop a mess of UAC warnings while your app's in use thanks to it not being friendly to some trick you used..
Non client painting on aero glass window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5634743/non-client-painting-on-aero-glass-window non client drawing facilities. Screen shot of my app's window So you can see that system button glows out of the windows..
Access iOS settings from code [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7328545/access-ios-settings-from-code this question No. In general you can read your own app's preferences whether they're set via the Settings app or by your..
How do I prepare my .cpp files for the Android ndk to build them? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7656055/how-do-i-prepare-my-cpp-files-for-the-android-ndk-to-build-them class and call them at the appropriate times in the app's lifecycle. Note how the Java package class and function names..