c++ Programming Glossary: alice
how to replay a quickfix log http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13160132/how-to-replay-a-quickfix-log doesn't really make sense. That's like saying you want Alice to restart a conversation with Bob but Alice must read her lines.. you want Alice to restart a conversation with Bob but Alice must read her lines from a transcript of what she said before...
Explanation of C++ FAQ's unsafe macro? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16243509/explanation-of-c-faqs-unsafe-macro these kinds of parallel definitions. #define NAMES _ _ Alice _ Bob _ Caravaggio _ DuncanIdaho #define BARE _ _ #define STRG..
Can you help me get my head around openssl public key encryption with rsa.h in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2012645/can-you-help-me-get-my-head-around-openssl-public-key-encryption-with-rsa-h-in-c far these are my thoughts please do correct if necessary Alice is connected to Bob over a network Alice and Bob want secure.. if necessary Alice is connected to Bob over a network Alice and Bob want secure communications Alice generates a public.. over a network Alice and Bob want secure communications Alice generates a public private key pair and sends public key to..