c++ Programming Glossary: ai_family
Can't we use threads inside the member function of class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12840881/cant-we-use-threads-inside-the-member-function-of-class with error d n iResult ZeroMemory addr_ sizeof addr_ addr_.ai_family AF_UNSPEC addr_.ai_socktype SOCK_STREAM addr_.ai_protocol IPPROTO_TCP.. Create a SOCKET for connecting to server sock_ socket ptr ai_family ptr ai_socktype ptr ai_protocol if sock_ INVALID_SOCKET printf..
sendto: Network unreachable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2782259/sendto-network-unreachable server 0 for p server p NULL p p ai_next fd socket p ai_family p ai_socktype p ai_protocol if fd 0 continue if bind fd.. addrinfo hints memset hints 0 sizeof struct addrinfo hints.ai_family AF_UNSPEC hints.ai_socktype SOCK_DGRAM hints.ai_flags AI_PASSIVE.. addrinfo hints memset hints 0 sizeof struct addrinfo hints.ai_family AF_UNSPEC hints.ai_socktype SOCK_DGRAM Can anyone explain this..
substitute for fork()ing? in windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4243880/substitute-for-forking-in-windows socklen_t addr_size memset hints 0 sizeof hints hints.ai_family AF_INET hints.ai_socktype SOCK_STREAM hints.ai_flags AI_PASSIVE.. loop_find loop_find ai_next if sockfd socket loop_find ai_family loop_find ai_socktype loop_find ai_protocol 1 cout Could not..
Is this a legitimate C++ code? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4372062/is-this-a-legitimate-c-code hostname n exit 1 memset hints 0 sizeof hints hints.ai_family AF_UNSPEC hints.ai_socktype SOCK_STREAM if rv getaddrinfo argv.. can for p servinfo p NULL p p ai_next if sockfd socket p ai_family p ai_socktype p ai_protocol 1 perror client socket continue.. stderr client failed to connect n return 2 inet_ntop p ai_family get_in_addr struct sockaddr p ai_addr s sizeof s printf client..
Using select() for non-blocking sockets http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6715736/using-select-for-non-blocking-sockets hints 0 sizeof hints make sure the struct is empty hints.ai_family AF_INET hints.ai_socktype SOCK_STREAM tcp hints.ai_flags AI_PASSIVE.. status exit 1 make socket sock socket servinfo ai_family servinfo ai_socktype servinfo ai_protocol if sock 0 printf nserver.. hints 0 sizeof hints make sure the struct is empty hints.ai_family AF_INET hints.ai_socktype SOCK_STREAM tcp hints.ai_flags AI_PASSIVE..
Can't obtain local IP using gethostbyname() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8106882/cant-obtain-local-ip-using-gethostbyname connected false for res res res ai_next int fd socket res ai_family res ai_socktype res ai_protocol if fd 0 perror socket continue..