c++ Programming Glossary: alf
Aliasing `T*` with `char*` is allowed. Is it also allowed the other way around? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12612488/aliasing-t-with-char-is-allowed-is-it-also-allowed-the-other-way-around information see answers by @Luc Danton @Cheers and hth. Alf and @David RodrÃguez. c c language lawyer strict aliasing type.. is trivially constructed on the third line . Just like Alf I would also recommend that you explicitly make use of the Standard..
When should you use direct initialization and when copy initialization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4293596/when-should-you-use-direct-initialization-and-when-copy-initialization when T is of class type and a is of a different type see Alf comment for examples of contexts which don't even involve conversion..
Is `long` guaranteed to be at least 32 bits? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4329777/is-long-guaranteed-to-be-at-least-32-bits the Standard says there are n bits in a byte. In this post Alf P. Steinbach says long is guaranteed at least 32 bits. This.. statement as a beginner being wrong but since this was Alf I decided it was worth investigating further. So what say you.. it has to be big enough to hold LONG_MIN to LONG_MAX. But Alf and others are specific that a long must be at least 32 bits...
Polymorphism in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5854581/polymorphism-in-c employ parametric polymorphism duck typing. Polymorphic Alf Steinbach comments that in the C Standard polymorphic only refers..
Move semantics == custom swap function obsolete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6416385/move-semantics-custom-swap-function-obsolete performance problem before going to the bother. Update for Alf P. Steinbach 20.2.2 utility.swap specifies that std swap T T..
Incomplete class usage in template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7210286/incomplete-class-usage-in-template type share improve this question I was waiting to Alf Steinbach to post an answer but since he is not doing it I will..
getchar() doesn't work well? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8442644/getchar-doesnt-work-well it apparently isn't going to help. The real answer is what Alf said in the comment. Most decent dev environments or setups..