c++ Programming Glossary: allocator_type
Why aren't container move assignment operators noexcept? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12332772/why-arent-container-move-assignment-operators-noexcept noexcept false . So in summary C operator C c noexcept allocator_type propagate_on_container_move_assignment value is_nothrow_move_assignable.. value is_nothrow_move_assignable allocator_type value And I see no dependence on C value_type in the above spec..
std::vector<int>::clear, constant time? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14094302/stdvectorintclear-constant-time to be deallocated safely with a single call to vector T allocator_type deallocate without looping over the elements and individually..
templates problem ('typename' as not template function parameter) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1600464/templates-problem-typename-as-not-template-function-parameter value_type Allocator type typedef std allocator value_type allocator_type Reference type typedef typename allocator_type reference reference.. value_type allocator_type Reference type typedef typename allocator_type reference reference c boost generic programming share improve..
Is there a sorted_vector class, which supports insert() etc.? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2710221/is-there-a-sorted-vector-class-which-supports-insert-etc first InputIterator last const Compare comp Compare const allocator_type a allocator_type Effects Constructs an empty set using the specified.. last const Compare comp Compare const allocator_type a allocator_type Effects Constructs an empty set using the specified comparison..
Avoiding default construction of elements in standard containers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7218574/avoiding-default-construction-of-elements-in-standard-containers std allocator T typedef uninitialized_allocator T allocator_type for testing purposes forward allocate through static typename.. testing purposes forward allocate through static typename allocator_type pointer allocate allocator_type a typename allocator_type size_type.. through static typename allocator_type pointer allocate allocator_type a typename allocator_type size_type n return a.allocate n template..
Writing your own STL Container http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7758580/writing-your-own-stl-container class T class A std allocator T class X public typedef A allocator_type typedef typename A value_type value_type typedef typename A..
std::lower_bound slower for std::vector than std::map::find http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8784732/stdlower-bound-slower-for-stdvector-than-stdmapfind mapped_type value_type typedef typename undertype_ allocator_type allocator_type typedef typename allocator_type template rebind.. value_type typedef typename undertype_ allocator_type allocator_type typedef typename allocator_type template rebind value_type other.. undertype_ allocator_type allocator_type typedef typename allocator_type template rebind value_type other value_allocator_type typedef..