c++ Programming Glossary: float64
How does photoshop blend two images together? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5919663/how-does-photoshop-blend-two-images-together SaturationA #define ColorBlend_Hls T A B O1 O2 O3 float64 HueA LuminationA SaturationA float64 HueB LuminationB SaturationL.. T A B O1 O2 O3 float64 HueA LuminationA SaturationA float64 HueB LuminationB SaturationL Color_RgbToHls A 2 A 1 A 0 HueA.. be helpful in converting RGB to HLS. int32 Color_HueToRgb float64 M1 float64 M2 float64 Hue float64 Channel if Hue 0.0 Hue 1.0..