c++ Programming Glossary: brief
In C++ source, what is the effect of extern “C”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1041866/in-c-source-what-is-the-effect-of-extern-c are listed in section 7.5 of the C 03 standard here is a brief summary with emphasis on extern C extern C is a linkage specification..
What is std::promise? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11004273/what-is-stdpromise and neither does just thread . Could someone please give a brief succinct example of a situation where an std promise is needed..
What are inline namespaces for? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11016220/what-are-inline-namespaces-for any useful application of this can somebody please give a brief succinct example of a situation where an inline namespace is..
In C++, if throw is an expression, what is its type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1212978/in-c-if-throw-is-an-expression-what-is-its-type expression what is its type I picked this up in one of my brief forays to reddit http www.smallshire.org.uk sufficientlysmall..
Is there a reason to not use Boost? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1226206/is-there-a-reason-to-not-use-boost A comment on Chrome in particular there is a very brief discussion of Boost in Google's C style guide. Google seems..
How to append text to a TextBox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12537456/how-to-append-text-to-a-textbox 0 return 0 return DefWindowProc hwnd uMsg wParam lParam In brief this program creates two textBoxes and a button that launches..
How can I avoid including class implementation files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2037880/how-can-i-avoid-including-class-implementation-files page on what should take up a few chapters so use it as a brief reference. Understanding the concepts above however is important...
Most crucial elements in a light-weight C++ coding standard [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/242728/most-crucial-elements-in-a-light-weight-c-coding-standard voting rules 1 candidate per answer preferably with a brief motivation. Vote down candidates which focuses on style and..
How do I find where an exception was thrown in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2443135/how-do-i-find-where-an-exception-was-thrown-in-c in identifying the location of the exception. There is a brief discussion on uncaught exceptions in Bruce Eckel's Thinking..
boost spirit semantic action parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3066701/boost-spirit-semantic-action-parameters for each action would be rather tedious compared to the brief and readable phoenix expression equivalents. I sympathize with..
C/C++ Header file documentation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/487114/c-c-header-file-documentation public header files in C Should header files contain no brief or massive documentation I've seen everything from almost no.. from your editor on the other hand a header file with very brief documentation can often show a complete interface on one or.. to do with a class. Let's say I go with something like brief or massive documentation. I want something similar to javadoc..
Colorize stdout output to Windows cmd.exe from console C++ app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7778392/colorize-stdout-output-to-windows-cmd-exe-from-console-c-app __in HANDLE hConsoleOutput __in WORD wAttributes Here's a brief example which you can take a look. #include stdafx.h #include..
Compile a DLL in C/C++, then call it from another program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/847396/compile-a-dll-in-c-c-then-call-it-from-another-program Regarding building a DLL using MinGW here are some very brief instructions. First you need to mark your functions for export..
Can SFINAE detect private access violations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8984013/can-sfinae-detect-private-access-violations excerpt from Clang clang Basic DiagnosticIDs.h 185 209 brief Enumeration describing how the the emission of a diagnostic.. during C template argument deduction. enum SFINAEResponse brief The diagnostic should not be reported but it should cause template.. fall into this category. SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure brief The diagnostic should be suppressed entirely. Warnings generally..