c++ Programming Glossary: brevity
Should I return std::strings? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1032243/should-i-return-stdstrings this a good way of returning strings no error checking for brevity std string linux_settings_provider get_home_folder return std..
Is < faster than <=? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12135518/is-faster-than Jump if greater ZF 0 and SF OF etc... Example Edited for brevity Compiled with gcc m32 S masm intel test.c if a b Do something..
Why is const-correctness specific to C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1370042/why-is-const-correctness-specific-to-c non standard extension used. So if you want the syntactic brevity of passing in temporaries avoiding copies and staying standard..
Is there a reason to use enum to define a single constant in C++ code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1377695/is-there-a-reason-to-use-enum-to-define-a-single-constant-in-c-code share improve this question The reason is mainly brevity. First of all an enum can be anonymous class foo enum bar 1..
How to verify algebraic statements using boost::spirit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15123412/how-to-verify-algebraic-statements-using-boostspirit ' ' factor _val _1 where I've dropped the debug macros for brevity. To limit the scope of the problem I've decided to allow only..
Boost spirit skipper issues http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17072987/boost-spirit-skipper-issues the use of qi blank as a skipper not including eol for brevity I combined the grammars Code #define BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG #include..
Nullable values in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2537942/nullable-values-in-c function call you can do using boost none if you like for brevity. It has a conversion to bool instead of IsNull and operator..
Regular cast vs. static_cast vs. dynamic_cast http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28002/regular-cast-vs-static-cast-vs-dynamic-cast that. Some people prefer c style casts because of their brevity. I use them for numeric casts only and use the appropriate C..
Calling lua functions from .lua's using handles? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3432231/calling-lua-functions-from-luas-using-handles test1 test2 test2 test1 I omitted all error handling for brevity but you'll want to check the return value of luaL_loadfile and..
Can virtual functions have default parameters? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3533589/can-virtual-functions-have-default-parameters I'm using struct s here rather than class es simply for brevity class and struct are exactly the same in almost every way except..
How to create a boost ssl iostream? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3668128/how-to-create-a-boost-ssl-iostream boost iostreams concepts.hpp other includes omitted for brevity ... typedef boost asio ssl stream boost asio ip tcp socket ssl_stream..
constructor invocation mechanism http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4283576/constructor-invocation-mechanism invoking mechanism Note I have omitted header files for brevity. c constructor copy constructor most vexing parse share improve..
static thread function access non-static class member in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4633222/static-thread-function-access-non-static-class-member-in-c to access the class members class Test code omitted for brevity static void thread_func void args Test test static_cast Test.. so access other members like 'value '. code omitted for brevity Better design define a reusable class Even better would be to..
How can I run a child process that requires elevation and wait? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4893262/how-can-i-run-a-child-process-that-requires-elevation-and-wait code most of the error checking is omitted for clarity and brevity SHELLEXECUTEINFO shExInfo 0 shExInfo.cbSize sizeof shExInfo..
Implementing abstract class members in a parent class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7167558/implementing-abstract-class-members-in-a-parent-class so I tried doing it in C Virtual destructors omitted for brevity class ITalk public virtual void SayHi 0 class Parent public..
Incomplete class usage in template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7210286/incomplete-class-usage-in-template instantiation fails. I have removed some of the notes for brevity. Now the important bit seems to be that the code is translated..
Complete example using Boost::Signals for C++ Eventing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/768351/complete-example-using-boostsignals-for-c-eventing b2 _1 a.SigA a.SigB 4 The output Foo Bar 4 Bar 4 For brevity I've taken some shortcuts that you wouldn't normally use in..
Linker error when using static members http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8612206/linker-error-when-using-static-members static GLint calculateColorUniformLocation omitted for brevity GLint ColorTrail calculateColorUniformLocation #endif DesktopMain.cpp..
manipulating multidimensional arrays with functions in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9672731/manipulating-multidimensional-arrays-with-functions-in-c has the following format. I have made a simple program for brevity. #include cstdlib #include iostream using namespace std void..