c# Programming Glossary: resolved
How to resolve a .lnk in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/139010/how-to-resolve-a-lnk-in-c-sharp summary Do not display a dialog box if the link cannot be resolved. When SLR_NO_UI is set the high order word of fFlags can be.. the link. The function returns if the link cannot be resolved within the time out duration. If the high order word is set.. interface allows Shell links to be created modified and resolved summary ComImport InterfaceType ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown..
Why cannot C# generics derive from one of the generic type parameters like they can in C++ templates? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1842636/why-cannot-c-sharp-generics-derive-from-one-of-the-generic-type-parameters-like generics the former are compile time entities and must be resolved during the compilation while the latter are first class run..
Two-way binding of Xml data to the WPF TreeView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/188001/two-way-binding-of-xml-data-to-the-wpf-treeview happens when the value is retreived. Entities like lt are resolved back into characters like . Therefore if the strings we store..
64 bits stuff for C# development http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1889941/64-bits-stuff-for-c-sharp-development as you don't have 64 bit specific issues. This issue was resolved in VS2010. Poorly written P Invoke declarations that declare..
How to set attributes values using reflection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2160476/how-to-set-attributes-values-using-reflection
Dependency injection and named loggers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3452318/dependency-injection-and-named-loggers is queried for that name. If the ILogger is there it is resolved that way. If this is possible with MEF is there any benefit.. loggers via the underlying app.config and then inserts the resolved logger into the MEF container This way it would be available.. or member data the logging dependency is explicitly resolved on demand. Is this a good or bad way to dependency inject. I..
Why does the c# compiler emit Activator.CreateInstance when calling new in with a generic type with a new() constraint? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/367577/why-does-the-c-sharp-compiler-emit-activator-createinstance-when-calling-new-in Stream . That wouldn't work if each new T call had to be resolved in the JITted code. Just a guess but it makes a certain amount..
Render PDF in iTextSharp from HTML with CSS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/430280/render-pdf-in-itextsharp-from-html-with-css the time this will be possible this is how I temporarily resolved it for myself. Only two steps Tell your users to download open..
Get SSID of the wireless network I am connected to with C# .Net on Windows Vista http://stackoverflow.com/questions/431755/get-ssid-of-the-wireless-network-i-am-connected-to-with-c-sharp-net-on-windows windows vista wireless share improve this question I resolved using the library. It resulted to be quite easy to work with..
Unity 2.0 and handling IDisposable types (especially with PerThreadLifetimeManager) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5129789/unity-2-0-and-handling-idisposable-types-especially-with-perthreadlifetimemanag for releasing instances I tried to manually dispose resolved instance in code and I found another problem. I can't teardown..
Is there a way to check whether unicode text is in a certain language? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6088241/is-there-a-way-to-check-whether-unicode-text-is-in-a-certain-language
?? Null Coalescing Operator --> What does coalescing mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/770186/null-coalescing-operator-what-does-coalescing-mean
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. The statement has been terminated http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8602395/timeout-expired-the-timeout-period-elapsed-prior-to-completion-of-the-operation the database to use a sub optimal query plan. It can be resolved by clearing the statistics exec sp_updatestats If that doesn't..
What's the difference between dynamic(C# 4) and var? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/961581/whats-the-difference-between-dynamicc-4-and-var sparks. With dynamic properties methods operators etc are resolved at runtime based on the actual object. Very handy for talking..
Type Checking: typeof, GetType, or is? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/983030/type-checking-typeof-gettype-or-is new Dog PrintTypes spot What about typeof T Is it also resolved at compile time Yes. T is always what the type of the expression..
Why is Multiple Inheritance not allowed in Java or C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/995255/why-is-multiple-inheritance-not-allowed-in-java-or-c for how MI works. For example how conflicts are resolved and whether duplicate bases are merged or redundant. Before..