c# Programming Glossary: resized
A generic error occurred in GDI+, JPEG Image to MemoryStream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1053052/a-generic-error-occurred-in-gdi-jpeg-image-to-memorystream I resize the image and as part of that method I return the resized object as follows. I have inserted two calls to the above method..
Proper localization of a WinForms application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1251225/proper-localization-of-a-winforms-application Then we went through each control translated its text and resized if needed. This created a .resx per language and form combination...
The notorious yet unaswered issue of downloading a file when windows security is required http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19024794/the-notorious-yet-unaswered-issue-of-downloading-a-file-when-windows-security-is
How to make a window have taskbar text but no title bar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/198233/how-to-make-a-window-have-taskbar-text-but-no-title-bar WS_CAPTION return cp However this causes my window to be resized as if they have a title bar ie it's taller than it should be...
Removing Duplicate Images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/225210/removing-duplicate-images each similar image in the database I took both images resized them to 16x16 and analysed them pixel by pixel and took the..
How do you disable Aero Snap in an application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2470685/how-do-you-disable-aero-snap-in-an-application You can even make a control basically a panel that can be resized and moved within its parent canvas. Now this control can be..
High Quality Image Scaling C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/249587/high-quality-image-scaling-c-sharp name height The height to resize to. param returns The resized image. returns public static System.Drawing.Bitmap ResizeImage.. use a graphics object to draw the resized image into the bitmap using Graphics graphics Graphics.FromImage.. the image to the specified height and width using var resized ImageUtilities.ResizeImage image 50 100 save the resized image..
How to fix the flickering in User controls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2612487/how-to-fix-the-flickering-in-user-controls sized copy of the image so that it doesn't have to be resized every time the control repaints. Use the Format32bppPArgb pixel..
Compare RGB colors in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3968179/compare-rgb-colors-in-c-sharp However this method fails as soon as the application is resized the contents are scaled not moved . I can calculate where the..
C#: Seeking PNG Compression algorithm/library [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4418454/c-seeking-png-compression-algorithm-library png images that users are uploading to my site. I already resized it but that doesn't do much for the image size. Seeking a png..
Hosting external app in WPF window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5028598/hosting-external-app-in-wpf-window manager in WPF that has viewports which can be moved resized etc by a user. Viewports are normally filled with data pictures..
C# Form with custom border and rounded edges http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5092216/c-sharp-form-with-custom-border-and-rounded-edges
When to use struct in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/521298/when-to-use-struct-in-c of elements available before the internal array must be resized. MemSize determined by serializing the dictionary into a MemoryStream..
Resize image proportionally with MaxHeight and MaxWidth constraints http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6501797/resize-image-proportionally-with-maxheight-and-maxwidth-constraints an image width or height exceed the maximum it need to be resized proportionally . After resized it need to make sure that neither.. the maximum it need to be resized proportionally . After resized it need to make sure that neither width or height still exceed.. still exceed the limit. The Width and Height will be resized until it is not exceed to maximum and minimum automatically..