c# Programming Glossary: reside
Extension methods versus inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1132262/extension-methods-versus-inheritance and there are no clues as to where the code for them might reside. There are some best practice suggestions as to where to put..
Best practices for serializing objects to a custom string format for use in an output file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1179816/best-practices-for-serializing-objects-to-a-custom-string-format-for-use-in-an-o still a little confused about where all this logic should reside and how to build the formatter class. What do you guys do when..
Is there any scenario where the Rope data structure is more efficient than a string builder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1863440/is-there-any-scenario-where-the-rope-data-structure-is-more-efficient-than-a-str string so this is only useful if most edits will primarily reside in memory rather than requiring frequent persistence say through..
Displaying standard DataTables in MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2243898/displaying-standard-datatables-in-mvc demonstration. The code creating the DataTable should reside somewhere outside of the controller and the code in the View..
Disable authentication on subfolder(s) of an ASP.NET app using windows authentication http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2713192/disable-authentication-on-subfolders-of-an-asp-net-app-using-windows-authentic of these subfolders contain pages that use binaries that reside in the bin folder of the root of the website. The user must..
Setting Objects to Null/Nothing after use in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2785/setting-objects-to-null-nothing-after-use-in-net the isDisposed property in forms so I assume it can still reside in memory or at least in part I also know that when an object..
Fastest way to interface between live (unsaved) Excel data and C# objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3840270/fastest-way-to-interface-between-live-unsaved-excel-data-and-c-sharp-objects Excel and uses data held in excel. The business logic will reside in the c# application but the data will reside in an Excel workbook... logic will reside in the c# application but the data will reside in an Excel workbook. The user will be using Excel and will..
How to use Ninject Conventions extension without referencing Assembly (or Types within it) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4019585/how-to-use-ninject-conventions-extension-without-referencing-assembly-or-types from the working directory or absolute The assembly must reside in a probing path as it is loaded into the load context to avoid..
Use XML includes or config references in app.config to include other config files' settings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/480538/use-xml-includes-or-config-references-in-app-config-to-include-other-config-file files used with the configSource attribute must also reside in a relative child path to the main .config file. I believe..
Can I use ASP.NET MVC together with regular ASP.NET Web forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/541703/can-i-use-asp-net-mvc-together-with-regular-asp-net-web-forms hassle in the URLs. Asp.net WebForms aspx pages can reside within MVC as long as they're not placed inside the Views folder...
Very slow compile times on Visual Studio 2005 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55517/very-slow-compile-times-on-visual-studio-2005 modify . Disable scanning the directory where your sources reside. Don't do anything stupid. Store and build the Chromium code..
IIS 7.5 Fixing An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format problem? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6728339/iis-7-5-fixing-an-attempt-was-made-to-load-a-program-with-an-incorrect-format-pr My C# MVC 2 web app can deployed to two websites that reside on the same IIS 7.5 webserver x64 . One is the live site deployed..
Best practices for using and persisting enums http://stackoverflow.com/questions/746812/best-practices-for-using-and-persisting-enums due to speed or whatever reason that mapping should also reside in the Java enum. You'll get string name mapping by default..
Examples of IoC Containers [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/770039/examples-of-ioc-containers bool ProcessPayment amount .... All your paypal code would reside in a class that implements the methods of your interface. PayPalPaymentProcessor..
Why can't I inherit static classes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/774181/why-cant-i-inherit-static-classes to use and works only for static members that happen to reside in a static class. Mads Torgersen C# Language PM Other opinions..
Prism assembly reference failure: System.Windows.Interactivity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9650778/prism-assembly-reference-failure-system-windows-interactivity the other dlls that come with the Prism library they all reside in a lib folder in my solution and I've added them using the.. assemblies in Prism applications apparently need to reside in the bin folder of the hosting application. I'm going to look..