

c# Programming Glossary: resistance

Checking for directory and file write permissions in .NET


Is IP address on the same subnet as the local machine (with IPv6 support)


like checking the neighbor table will be the path of least resistance for you to do this if you're accepting a connection from the..

Can a Byte[] Array be written to a file in C#?


representing a complete file to a file. The path of least resistance would be File.WriteAllBytes string path byte bytes Documented..

Switching from C# to C++. Any must-reads? [closed]


to C . Any must reads closed I'm trying to find a least resistance path from C# to C and while I feel I handle C# pretty well after..

.NET Testing Framework Advice


still relatively simple to get set up. I'm going to get resistance to it one way or another so if I can make sure what I'm pushing..

Which cryptographic hash function should I choose?


hash functions provide three separate functions. Collision resistance How hard is it for someone to find two messages any two messages.. Also known as a one way hash function . Second preimage resistance Given a message find another message that hashes the same. These.. are related but independent. For example collision resistance implies second preimage resistance but not the other way around...