c# Programming Glossary: doubling
High memory consumption with Enumerable.Range? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10519275/high-memory-consumption-with-enumerable-range share improve this question This probably relates to the doubling algorithm used to resize the backing buffer when adding to a..
C#: How to make Sieve of Atkin incremental http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1569393/c-how-to-make-sieve-of-atkin-incremental limit Yield all the newfound primes Increase the limit by doubling or squaring the old limit or something like that Goto step 2..
Auto-scrolling text box uses more memory than expected http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1743448/auto-scrolling-text-box-uses-more-memory-than-expected StringBuilder internally. If so that would explain the doubling of the memory because that's the way StringBuilder works internally...
StringBuilder for string concatenation throws OutOfMemoryException http://stackoverflow.com/questions/363680/stringbuilder-for-string-concatenation-throws-outofmemoryexception Using a StringBuilder will also result in a temporary doubling of the memory required since the string will be present in a..
Escape double quotes in SQL 2005/2008 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/387198/escape-double-quotes-in-sql-2005-2008 double quotes. Update A bit of searching suggests that doubling the quote to may fix it worth a try. Personally I'd do this..
How to add doublequotes to a string that is inside a variable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3905946/how-to-add-doublequotes-to-a-string-that-is-inside-a-variable share improve this question You need to escape them by doubling them verbatim string literal string str @ How to add doublequotes..
C# 'var' keyword versus explicitly defined variables [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/429446/c-sharp-var-keyword-versus-explicitly-defined-variables SomeNamespace.AndSomeVeryLongTypeName Clearly in this case doubling the name is not just unnecessary but actually harmful. share..
How does StringBuilder's capacity change? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7547827/how-does-stringbuilders-capacity-change to .NET 4 StringBuilder used the standard .NET strategy doubling the capacity of the internal buffer every time it needs to be..