c# Programming Glossary: dotnet
HttpClient.GetAsync(…) never returns when using await/async http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10343632/httpclient-getasync-never-returns-when-using-await-async c# .net asynchronous async await dotnet httpclient share improve this question You are misusing..
Windows Service not appearing in services list after install http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1560407/windows-service-not-appearing-in-services-list-after-install I pretty much followed this http www.codeproject.com KB dotnet simplewindowsservice.aspx I created a setup project as instructed..
Embedding JavaScript engine into .NET (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/172753/embedding-javascript-engine-into-net-c it's pretty outdated and not quite finished spidermonkey dotnet project. Anyone with experience in this area Engines like SquirrelFish.. improve this question Try Javascript .NET http javascriptdotnet.codeplex.com It implements Google V8. You can compile and run..
Strategy for cross-language (java and c#) object serialization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2001405/strategy-for-cross-language-java-and-c-object-serialization option here. On the C# side I would recommend Jon Skeet's dotnet protobufs for this use case since it has the same API on both..
tessnet2 fails to load http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2053575/tessnet2-fails-to-load contains Bitmap bmp new Bitmap @ C temp New Folder dotnet eurotext.tif tessnet2.Tesseract ocr new tessnet2.Tesseract ocr.SetVariable..
C# - google translate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2246017/c-sharp-google-translate See if this works for you google language api for dotnet http code.google.com p google language api for dotnet Translate.. for dotnet http code.google.com p google language api for dotnet Translate text in C# using Google Translate http dnknormark.net..
C# - System.Transactions.TransactionScope http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2273419/c-sharp-system-transactions-transactionscope in memory storage http www.codeproject.com KB dotnet Transactional_Repository.aspx Also I'm not sure if there are..
How do I use XML as a DataSource for a DataGridView in a WinForms project? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/265604/how-do-i-use-xml-as-a-datasource-for-a-datagridview-in-a-winforms-project DataGridView to XML via data sets. http www.devx.com dotnet Article 28678 1954 Hope this helps. share improve this answer..
Can I automatically increment the file build version when using Visual Studio? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/356543/can-i-automatically-increment-the-file-build-version-when-using-visual-studio projects.... I looked at both http www.codeproject.com KB dotnet Auto_Increment_Version.aspx http www.codeproject.com KB dotnet.. Auto_Increment_Version.aspx http www.codeproject.com KB dotnet build_versioning.aspx and I couldn't believe it so much effort.. in VS2005 as far I can tell http www.codeproject.com KB dotnet AutoIncrementVersion.aspx c# asp.net visual studio version..
How to implement glob in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/398518/how-to-implement-glob-in-c-sharp that matches some wildcard pattern e.g. C p4 software dotnet tools .sln to get all tool solution files summary param name..
Xml-SelectNodes with default-namespace via XmlNamespaceManager not working as expected http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4271689/xml-selectnodes-with-default-namespace-via-xmlnamespacemanager-not-working-as-ex nsmgr.AddNamespace urn test.Schema This will fail with dotnet 3.5sp1. Why Assert.AreEqual 2 doc.SelectNodes b nsmgr .Count.. xpath share improve this question This will fail with dotnet 3.5sp1. Why Assert.AreEqual 2 doc.SelectNodes b nsmgr .Count..
C# TWAIN interaction http://stackoverflow.com/questions/476084/c-sharp-twain-interaction which uses TWAIN example from http www.codeproject.com KB dotnet twaindotnet.aspx This works fine except that I need to cast.. TWAIN example from http www.codeproject.com KB dotnet twaindotnet.aspx This works fine except that I need to cast Form to IMessageFilter..
Is this the way to salt and store a Password in Db? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5431354/is-this-the-way-to-salt-and-store-a-password-in-db for C#. See http derekslager.com blog posts 2007 10 bcrypt dotnet strong password hashing for dotnet and mono.ashx Don't reinvent.. posts 2007 10 bcrypt dotnet strong password hashing for dotnet and mono.ashx Don't reinvent the wheel if there are proofed..
How do you do AppBar docking (to screen edge, like WinAmp) in WPF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/75785/how-do-you-do-appbar-docking-to-screen-edge-like-winamp-in-wpf be consumed. Related resources http www.codeproject.com KB dotnet AppBar.aspx http social.msdn.microsoft.com Forums en US wpf.. link provided in the question http www.codeproject.com KB dotnet AppBar.aspx and modified it to do two things Work with WPF Be..