c# Programming Glossary: drag
Graph nodes coordinates evaluation [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15579069/graph-nodes-coordinates-evaluation a complete WPF MVVM sample of a Nodes Editor supporting drag and drop and many interesting visual features. It looks like..
Transitioning from Windows Forms to WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15681352/transitioning-from-windows-forms-to-wpf it's faster and doesn't make as much of a mess as the drag drop WPF designer does although I do use the Designer on occasion..
How to enable design support in a custom control? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2785376/how-to-enable-design-support-in-a-custom-control and add some columns I am able in Design Time to click and drag the columns to resize them. Example 2 Now I place a ListView.. the MyCustomListView on a Form I am unable to click and drag the column headers to resize them in Design Time. Is there any.. to easily make that happen Some form of pass the click and drag event to the underlying control and let that control do its..
C# Drag drop does not work on windows 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2833709/c-sharp-drag-drop-does-not-work-on-windows-7 for quite a while using C# winforms. I implemented a drag drop function before windows 7 was released. Worked like a charm... administritave priviliges. Is there any difference in the drag drop in windows 7 vs xp Don't know if it's relevant but I'm.. know if it's relevant but I'm using x64 c# .net windows 7 drag and drop share improve this question The source and target..
How to add an extra button to the window's title bar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2841180/how-to-add-an-extra-button-to-the-windows-title-bar be drawn and will work. What you will not be able to do is drag or resize the window this is because the frame is not really.. as if the mouse is over the caption and will allow you to drag the window etc. It is this function that will require complete..
Drag and drop to Desktop / Explorer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3040415/drag-and-drop-to-desktop-explorer ListView. Now I'd like to grab a file from this ListView drag it over my Desktop or some open explorer window and drop it.. some googling. Here's my complete solution . c# .net wpf drag and drop explorer share improve this question DragDrop.DoDragDrop..
Best way to determine if two path reference to same file in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/410705/best-way-to-determine-if-two-path-reference-to-same-file-in-c-sharp . What I going to do is just prevent duplicated file being drag and dropped to my linklist. c# api filesystems share improve..
How can I insert an image into a RichTextBox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/542850/how-can-i-insert-an-image-into-a-richtextbox in 5 minutes so I didn't implement file open or save drag and drop or other civilized stuff. share improve this answer..
How do I drag and drop files into a C# application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/68598/how-do-i-drag-and-drop-files-into-a-c-sharp-application do I drag and drop files into a C# application I've seen this done in.. best practices or gotchas to look out for c# winforms drag and drop share improve this question Some sample code public..
WPF ListView Programmatically Select Item http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1069577/wpf-listview-programmatically-select-item leaving anything out the ListView uses some templating and Drag Drop functionality so I'm including the XAML here. Essentially.. SelectionChanged lstVariable_All_SelectionChanged wpfui DragDropHelper.IsDropTarget True wpfui DragDropHelper.IsDragSource.. wpfui DragDropHelper.IsDropTarget True wpfui DragDropHelper.IsDragSource True wpfui DragDropHelper.DragDropTemplate..
Drag and Drop between Instances of the same Windows Forms Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1201812/drag-and-drop-between-instances-of-the-same-windows-forms-application and Drop between Instances of the same Windows Forms Application.. new GiveFeedbackEventHandler pictureBox_GiveFeedback pbx.DragEnter new DragEventHandler pictureBox_DragEnter pbx.DragDrop.. pictureBox_GiveFeedback pbx.DragEnter new DragEventHandler pictureBox_DragEnter pbx.DragDrop new DragEventHandler..
WinForm Application UI Hangs during Long-Running Operation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1216791/winform-application-ui-hangs-during-long-running-operation like progress updates or notification when it is finished. Drag the a BackgroundWorker control onto your form and attach your..
How could I Drag and Drop DataGridView Rows under each other? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1620947/how-could-i-drag-and-drop-datagridview-rows-under-each-other could I Drag and Drop DataGridView Rows under each other I've DataGridView.. position to change it's Priority property. How could I Drag Drop DataGridView Rows . And how to handle this . c# .net datagridview.. Proceed with the drag and drop passing in the list item. DragDropEffects dropEffect dataGridView1.DoDragDrop dataGridView1.Rows..
How to use filegroupdescriptor to drag file to explorer c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1845654/how-to-use-filegroupdescriptor-to-drag-file-to-explorer-c-sharp in C# also some good info on the topic here Outlook Drag and Drop in C# In short what you have to do is to init the DataObject.. MouseEventArgs e DataObject dataObject new DataObject DragFileInfo filesInfo new DragFileInfo d test.txt using MemoryStream.. dataObject new DataObject DragFileInfo filesInfo new DragFileInfo d test.txt using MemoryStream infoStream GetFileDescriptor..
Drag WPF Popup control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/222029/drag-wpf-popup-control WPF Popup control the WPF Popup control is nice but somewhat.. way to drag a popup around when it is opened like with the DragMove method of windows can this be done without big problems.. Popup and raise the same event on the Thumb Move popup on DragDelta XAML Popup x Class PopupTest.DraggablePopup ... Canvas..
What is a message pump? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2222365/what-is-a-message-pump won't work correctly if the UI thread is not STA. Notably Drag Drop the clipboard Windows dialogs like OpenFileDialog. And..
C# Drag drop does not work on windows 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2833709/c-sharp-drag-drop-does-not-work-on-windows-7 Drag drop does not work on windows 7 I have had a project for quite.. triggered. AllowDrop is set to true. When subscribing to DragEnter it does not get called in windows 7 not sure about vista..
Drag and drop to Desktop / Explorer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3040415/drag-and-drop-to-desktop-explorer and drop to Desktop Explorer Following my scenario. I got an.. or some open explorer window and drop it there. Basic Drag and Drop nothing fancy. This sounds like a standard function.. wpf drag and drop explorer share improve this question DragDrop.DoDragDrop can do this as long as you pass it an appropriate..
WPF C#: Rearrange items in listbox via drag and drop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3350187/wpf-c-rearrange-items-in-listbox-via-drag-and-drop and down via mouse drags. I have looked at the Control.DoDragDrop method from microsoft's api but I still can't get it to.. new EventSetter ListBoxItem.DropEvent new DragEventHandler listbox1_Drop listbox1.ItemContainerStyle itemContainerStyle.. listbox1.ItemContainerStyle itemContainerStyle Drag and drop process void s_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown object sender..
Drag borderless windows form by mouse [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4767831/drag-borderless-windows-form-by-mouse borderless windows form by mouse duplicate Possible Duplicate.. This should be what you are looking for Enhanced Drag and move WinForms public partial class MyDraggableForm Form.. for Enhanced Drag and move WinForms public partial class MyDraggableForm Form private const int WM_NCHITTEST 0x84 private const..
C# Drag & drop from listbox to treeview http://stackoverflow.com/questions/495666/c-sharp-drag-drop-from-listbox-to-treeview Drag drop from listbox to treeview I have a winform with a listbox.. this question It's been a while since I've messed with Drag Drop so I figured I'll write a quick sample. Basically I have.. new MouseEventHandler listBox1_MouseDown this.listBox1.DragOver new DragEventHandler listBox1_DragOver this.treeView1.DragEnter..
Deploy C# ActiveX in a CAB for Internet Explorer use http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5484326/deploy-c-sharp-activex-in-a-cab-for-internet-explorer-use these will be an error log starting CodeDownloadErrorLog. Drag it to your desktop and open it in notepad and it will give details..
Drag and drop files into WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5662509/drag-and-drop-files-into-wpf and drop files into WPF I need to drop an image file into my.. or the control private void ImagePanel_Drop object sender DragEventArgs e what next dont know how to get the image object can.. you want to do. private void ImagePanel_Drop object sender DragEventArgs e if e.Data.GetDataPresent DataFormats.FileDrop Note..
Is there a way to simulate touch events in Windows 8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7507568/is-there-a-way-to-simulate-touch-events-in-windows-8 only on Windows 8 not Windows 7 . It simulates Tap Hold Drag Pinch Pan Rotate and Cross Slide. Here is the touch Tap code..
How to bind crystal report to manually created DataSet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8341272/how-to-bind-crystal-report-to-manually-created-dataset a RPT File. 2. Create a XSD with the desired columns. 3. Drag drop the columns on the rpt. Format it as required. 4. Now create..