c# Programming Glossary: double.nan
Why is double.NaN not equal to itself? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1145443/why-is-double-nan-not-equal-to-itself is double.NaN not equal to itself Can someone explain this to me In C# double.NaN.. not equal to itself Can someone explain this to me In C# double.NaN is not equal to double.NaN bool huh double.NaN double.NaN huh.. explain this to me In C# double.NaN is not equal to double.NaN bool huh double.NaN double.NaN huh false bool huh2 double.NaN..
Formatting numbers with significant figures in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/158172/formatting-numbers-with-significant-figures-in-c-sharp 1 return 0d if double.IsNaN value return double.NaN if double.IsPositiveInfinity value return double.PositiveInfinity..
How to miss points in a ZedGraph line graph in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5154848/how-to-miss-points-in-a-zedgraph-line-graph-in-c-sharp line for example between x 1 and x 2 just add a point 1.5 double.NaN . Zedgraph should make the gap by itself. share improve this..
MethodInfo.Invoke with out Parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/569249/methodinfo-invoke-with-out-parameter string value Type numericType double d double.NaN bool inBounds bool numericType.GetMethod TryParse .Invoke null..
GridViewColumn Width Adjustment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9083933/gridviewcolumn-width-adjustment if double.IsNaN c.Width c.Width c.ActualWidth c.Width double.NaN As for sizing the last to fill area I do it with a converter...