

c# Programming Glossary: unaryexpression

How to make Databinding type safe and support refactoring


case ExpressionType.Convert var unaryExpression UnaryExpression expression return GetMemberName unaryExpression.Operand case..

combining two lamba expressions in c#


ExpressionType.TypeAs case ExpressionType.ArrayLength UnaryExpression unExp UnaryExpression expression Expression operand Walk unExp.Operand.. case ExpressionType.ArrayLength UnaryExpression unExp UnaryExpression expression Expression operand Walk unExp.Operand return operand..

Get the property, as a string, from an Expression<Func<TModel,TProperty>>


cases checked in IsConversion if IsConversion exp exp is UnaryExpression memberExp UnaryExpression exp .Operand as MemberExpression.. if IsConversion exp exp is UnaryExpression memberExp UnaryExpression exp .Operand as MemberExpression if memberExp null return true..

What does Expression.Quote() do that Expression.Constant() can?™t already do?


with type Expression TDelegate instead of a UnaryExpression with the special Quote node type and everything else would be.. was Expression.Quote and the special Quote node type for UnaryExpression invented c# expression trees share improve this question.. for a ConstantExpression with type Expression instead of a UnaryExpression with the special Quote node type and everything else would be..

get the value of DisplayName attribute


propertyExpression as MemberExpression if memberExpr null UnaryExpression unaryExpr propertyExpression as UnaryExpression if unaryExpr.. null UnaryExpression unaryExpr propertyExpression as UnaryExpression if unaryExpr null unaryExpr.NodeType ExpressionType.Convert..

Automatically INotifyPropertyChanged


MemberExpression memberExpression if lambda.Body is UnaryExpression var unaryExpression lambda.Body as UnaryExpression memberExpression.. is UnaryExpression var unaryExpression lambda.Body as UnaryExpression memberExpression unaryExpression.Operand as MemberExpression.. constantExpression if memberExpression.Expression is UnaryExpression var unaryExpression memberExpression.Expression as UnaryExpression..

Retrieving Property name from lambda expression


lambda.Body.NodeType ExpressionType.Convert memberExpr UnaryExpression lambda.Body .Operand as MemberExpression else if lambda.Body.NodeType..