c# Programming Glossary: uitypeeditor
Multi-line string in a PropertyGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/130032/multi-line-string-in-a-propertygrid class Stuff Editor typeof MultilineStringEditor typeof UITypeEditor public string MultiLineProperty get set share improve this..
Linq cross join query for nested List http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4076319/linq-cross-join-query-for-nested-list Table Fields Editor typeof FieldCollectionEditor typeof UITypeEditor public BindingList Fields Fields get return _fc set _fc value..
What's the correct way to edit a collection in a property grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4145324/whats-the-correct-way-to-edit-a-collection-in-a-property-grid the EditorAttribute Editor typeof SomeTypeEditor typeof UITypeEditor public List SomeType Stuff ... Long and convoluted yes but it..
ICustomTypeDescriptor, TypeDescriptionProvider, TypeConverter, and UITypeEditor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/749542/icustomtypedescriptor-typedescriptionprovider-typeconverter-and-uitypeeditor TypeDescriptionProvider TypeConverter and UITypeEditor I'm trying to get an overall understanding of how you use ICustomTypeDescriptor.. TypeDescriptionProvider TypeConverter and UITypeEditor to change how a PropertyGrid displays and interfaces with an.. used to show a list of possible values in the propertygrid UITypeEditor Defines a custom editor for manipulating a property of a complex..
How do I inject a custom UITypeEditor for all properties of a closed-source type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/849202/how-do-i-inject-a-custom-uitypeeditor-for-all-properties-of-a-closed-source-type do I inject a custom UITypeEditor for all properties of a closed source type I want to avoid.. instance of a certain type that I've written a custom UITypeEditor for. I can't place an EditorAttribute on the type because I.. a PropertyGrid instance or all instances to use a custom UITypeEditor whenever it encounters a specific type Here is an MSDN article..