

c# Programming Glossary: uitypeeditor

Multi-line string in a PropertyGrid


class Stuff Editor typeof MultilineStringEditor typeof UITypeEditor public string MultiLineProperty get set share improve this..

Linq cross join query for nested List


Table Fields Editor typeof FieldCollectionEditor typeof UITypeEditor public BindingList Fields Fields get return _fc set _fc value..

What's the correct way to edit a collection in a property grid


the EditorAttribute Editor typeof SomeTypeEditor typeof UITypeEditor public List SomeType Stuff ... Long and convoluted yes but it..

ICustomTypeDescriptor, TypeDescriptionProvider, TypeConverter, and UITypeEditor


TypeDescriptionProvider TypeConverter and UITypeEditor I'm trying to get an overall understanding of how you use ICustomTypeDescriptor.. TypeDescriptionProvider TypeConverter and UITypeEditor to change how a PropertyGrid displays and interfaces with an.. used to show a list of possible values in the propertygrid UITypeEditor Defines a custom editor for manipulating a property of a complex..

How do I inject a custom UITypeEditor for all properties of a closed-source type?


do I inject a custom UITypeEditor for all properties of a closed source type I want to avoid.. instance of a certain type that I've written a custom UITypeEditor for. I can't place an EditorAttribute on the type because I.. a PropertyGrid instance or all instances to use a custom UITypeEditor whenever it encounters a specific type Here is an MSDN article..