c# Programming Glossary: umsg
How do I send/receive windows messages between VB6 and c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1645204/how-do-i-send-receive-windows-messages-between-vb6-and-c SendMessage Lib USER32.DLL _ ByVal hWnd As Long ByVal uMsg As Long _ ByVal wParam As Long ByVal lParam As Long As Long.. it you would do something like the following. For brevity uMsg is WM_APP 32768 wParam lParam are 0 Dim retval As Long retval.. _ ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long ByVal hWnd As Long ByVal uMsg As Long _ ByVal wParam As Long ByVal lParam As Long As Long..
How can I get functionality similar to Spy++ in my C# app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1967604/how-can-i-get-functionality-similar-to-spy-in-my-c-sharp-app IntPtr SendDlgItemMessage IntPtr hWnd int IDDlgItem int uMsg int nMaxCount StringBuilder lpString DllImport User32.dll public..
How to send text to Notepad in C#/Win32? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/523405/how-to-send-text-to-notepad-in-c-win32 public static extern int SendMessage IntPtr hWnd int uMsg int wParam string lParam private void button1_Click object sender..
How to write and send text to mIRC in C#/Win32? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/523669/how-to-write-and-send-text-to-mirc-in-c-win32 public static extern int SendMessage IntPtr hWnd int uMsg int wParam string lParam IntPtr mainHandle FindWindow mIRC null..
How do I make a WPF window movable by dragging the extended window frame? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5493149/how-do-i-make-a-wpf-window-movable-by-dragging-the-extended-window-frame public static bool IsOnClientArea IntPtr hWnd int uMsg IntPtr wParam IntPtr lParam if uMsg WM_NCHITTEST if DefWindowProc.. IntPtr hWnd int uMsg IntPtr wParam IntPtr lParam if uMsg WM_NCHITTEST if DefWindowProc hWnd uMsg wParam lParam .ToInt32.. IntPtr lParam if uMsg WM_NCHITTEST if DefWindowProc hWnd uMsg wParam lParam .ToInt32 HTCLIENT return true return false In..
SendInput doesn't perform click mouse button unless I move cursor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8021954/sendinput-doesnt-perform-click-mouse-button-unless-i-move-cursor LayoutKind.Sequential struct HARDWAREINPUT public int uMsg public short wParamL public short wParamH struct MouseInputData..
How to send a string to other application including Microsoft Word http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8884763/how-to-send-a-string-to-other-application-including-microsoft-word LayoutKind.Sequential struct HARDWAREINPUT public uint uMsg public ushort wParamL public ushort wParamH DllImport user32.dll..