c# Programming Glossary: uint32value
Creating Excel document with OpenXml sdk 2.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1012547/creating-excel-document-with-openxml-sdk-2-0 static Cell CreateTextCell string header string text UInt32Value index Cell c new Cell c.DataType CellValues.InlineString c.CellReference.. new Fonts new Font new FontSize Val 10D new Color Theme UInt32Value 1U new FontName Val Arial new FontFamilyNumbering Val 2 Count.. new FontName Val Arial new FontFamilyNumbering Val 2 Count UInt32Value 1U new Fills new Fill new PatternFill PatternType PatternValues.None..
OpenXML SDK having borders for cell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15791732/openxml-sdk-having-borders-for-cell the border to the cell Borders borders1 new Borders Count UInt32Value 1U Border border1 new Border LeftBorder leftBorder1 new LeftBorder.. BorderStyleValues.Thin Color color1 new Color Indexed UInt32Value 64U leftBorder2.Append color1 RightBorder rightBorder2 new RightBorder.. BorderStyleValues.Thin Color color2 new Color Indexed UInt32Value 64U rightBorder2.Append color2 TopBorder topBorder2 new TopBorder..