

c# Programming Glossary: typeconverter

DataGridView not showing properites of objects which implement ICustomTypeDescriptor


return defaultDescriptor.GetComponentName TypeConverter ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter return defaultDescriptor.GetConverter..

General type conversion without risking Exceptions


type to any type. Easy enough .Net provides us with the TypeConverter class. Now the best I can work out to do to determine if the.. IComparable IComparable obj2 theDate as IComparable try TypeConverter converter TypeDescriptor.GetConverter obj2.GetType if converter.CanConvertFrom.. or not. But there is no TryConvert method available to TypeConverter. CanConvertFrom only dermines if it is possible to convert between..

How to modify PropertyGrid at runtime (add/remove property and dynamic types/enums)


a runtime generated dropdown in the propertygrid using a TypeConverter. I have actually been able to do both those things add remove.. Arizona Arkansas public override System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.StandardValuesCollection GetStandardValues ITypeDescriptorContext.. context return true The method of using a TypeConverter works fine when you don't try to add the property at runtime..

How delegates work (in the background)?


This should out perform either reflection or typical TypeConverter usage using System using System.Reflection static class Program..

Image.FromStream() method returns Invalid Argument exception


Image byteArrayToImage byte byteArray if byteArray null TypeConverter tc TypeDescriptor.GetConverter typeof Bitmap Bitmap b Bitmap..

ICustomTypeDescriptor, TypeDescriptionProvider, TypeConverter, and UITypeEditor


TypeDescriptionProvider TypeConverter and UITypeEditor I'm trying to get an overall understanding.. how you use ICustomTypeDescriptor TypeDescriptionProvider TypeConverter and UITypeEditor to change how a PropertyGrid displays and interfaces.. added to the class through the TypeDescriptionProvider TypeConverter Converts between types In terms of using a PropetyGrid used..

Convert string to nullable type (int, double, etc…)


T try if string.IsNullOrEmpty s s.Trim .Length 0 TypeConverter conv TypeDescriptor.GetConverter typeof T result T conv.ConvertFrom..

How do I have an enum bound combobox with custom string formatting for enum values?


enums share improve this question You could write an TypeConverter that reads specified attributes to look them up in your resources... for display names without much hassle. Look into the TypeConverter's ConvertFrom ConvertTo methods and use reflection to read attributes..

Data binding dynamic data


via descriptor no validation IDataErrorInfo no conversions TypeConverter no additional list support IBindingList IBindingListView no..