c# Programming Glossary: typo
Is there a difference between i==0 and 0==i? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10656419/is-there-a-difference-between-i-0-and-0-i prefer writing the second format to avoid assignment typos in case you miss a so that compiler warns of the typo. The.. typos in case you miss a so that compiler warns of the typo. The second is famously known as Yoda Condition . I say there.. compilers warn of the assignment instead of equality typo by emitting an warning once you enable all the warnings which..
Creating a constant Dictionary in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/268084/creating-a-constant-dictionary-in-c-sharp lookup into my array of descriptors. I wasn't aware typo when testing d'oh that switch accepts strings so that's what..
Why does one often see “null != variable” instead of “variable != null” in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/271561/why-does-one-often-see-null-variable-instead-of-variable-null-in-c if x 5 You can work around this in C by doing if 5 x A typo here will result in invalid code. Now in C# this is all piffle...
Changing master volume level http://stackoverflow.com/questions/294292/changing-master-volume-level FieldOffset 8 public uint dwControlID FieldOffset 8 not a typo overlaps previous field public uint dwControlType FieldOffset.. 12 public IntPtr hwndOwner FieldOffset 12 not a typo public uint cMultipleItems FieldOffset 16 public uint cbDetails..
C# .Equals(), .ReferenceEquals() and == operator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3869601/c-sharp-equals-referenceequals-and-operator The source of your confusion appears to be that there is a typo in the extract from C# station which should read ... except..
How to get IP all hosts in LAN http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4042789/how-to-get-ip-all-hosts-in-lan that if the IP address is incorrectly specified made a typo myself the reply object can be null so I handled that. share..
How to tell the debugger to ignore breaking on thrown exceptions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4499473/how-to-tell-the-debugger-to-ignore-breaking-on-thrown-exceptions close with my PS. It was a pretty silly mistake I had a typo in the namespace. Thanks to Pop Catalin and Madhur Ahuja for..
Inline property initialisation and trailing comma http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5245152/inline-property-initialisation-and-trailing-comma string A get set public string B get set I find the above typo in my code quite a lot. I'm always suprised that the compiler.. syntax share improve this question I find the above typo in my code quite a lot. I'm always suprised that the compiler..
Why can't I access C# protected members except like this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/567705/why-cant-i-access-c-sharp-protected-members-except-like-this call E.F The error message is edited so I might have put a typo in there. c# override protected access modifiers share improve..
Questions on a Haskell -> C# conversion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6082640/questions-on-a-haskell-c-sharp-conversion and negation is a pretty handy feature too. Also spotted a typo in my implementation. I added when I should have multiplied...
(0 == variable) or (null == obj): An outdated practice in C#? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/655657/0-variable-or-null-obj-an-outdated-practice-in-c for this because the problem it tries to avoid namely the typo of if variable 0 wouldn't compile in C# anyway. The conditions..
What is a method group in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/886822/what-is-a-method-group-in-c snip list.Add someObject.ToString of course there was a typo in the last line because I forgot the round paranthesis after..