

c# Programming Glossary: typesafe

How can I use interface as a C# generic type constraint?


checking in the function itself but this seemed alot more typesafe and I suppose a little more performant since all the checks..

How to make Databinding type safe and support refactoring


I have now found workarounds for nameof operator in C# typesafe databinding that also has a good starting point for a solution...

Why does C# (4.0) not allow co- and contravariance in generic class types?


to come up with other scenarios that permit variance in a typesafe manner. If you have such a scenario I'd love to see it. That..

Why isn't there generic variance for classes in C# 4.0?


out just fine There's no reason why this couldn't be typesafe. An operation which would violate type safety on a mutable data..

Storing a reference to an object in C#


you could do that the operation you are describing is not typesafe for a different reason. You have a very badly named field variable..

workarounds for nameof() operator in C#: typesafe databinding


for nameof operator in C# typesafe databinding There's been a lot of wishes to include nameof.. need names of properties as strings then. And I want them typesafe. I remember there was a workaround for .NET 3.5 which involved..

Why does this generic constraint compile when it seems to have a circular reference


IEnumerable Cat newFriends ... Unfortunately that's not typesafe either Animal animal new Cat animal.MakeFriends new Animal new..

Why was IEnumerable<T> made covariant in C# 4?


the compiler only allows variance when it is known to be typesafe. However it does preserve the broken array variance problem...

Best practices for using and persisting enums


type at least in Java and C# or using something like the typesafe enum pattern . Using plain constants Integer or similar is discouraged..