

c# Programming Glossary: txtfirstname.text

Which is the recommended way to fill all controls on a Web Form when user selects a record?


ddlEventType OneRow.CAddedFrom txtEmail.Text OneRow.CEmail txtFirstName.Text OneRow.CFirstName txtLastName.Text OneRow.CLastName txtInsideTitle.Text..

Binding property to control in Winforms


text value. If I change FirstName to Stack the txtFirstName.Text also changes to Stack . I know this may sound a stupid question..

Call a stored procedure with parameter in c#


@FirstName SqlDbType.VarChar .Value txtFirstName.Text da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add @LastName SqlDbType.VarChar.. cmd.Parameters.Add @FirstName SqlDbType.VarChar .Value txtFirstName.Text cmd.Parameters.Add @LastName SqlDbType.VarChar .Value txtLastName.Text..

Text box validation not working


following for the first one if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace txtFirstName.Text It does not work though. I typed the word Bike into the text.. object sender EventArgs e lblError.Text try if txtFirstName.Text txtFirstName.BackColor System.Drawing.Color.Yellow lblError.Text.. be greater than End Date br else Session txtFirstName txtFirstName.Text Session txtLastName txtLastName.Text Session txtPayRate txtPayRate.Text..