

c# Programming Glossary: totalbytes

Data loss TCP IP C#


the byte data for the number of bytes being received byte totalBytesData new byte 4 load the number byte data from the data received.. byte data from the data received for int i 0 i 4 i totalBytesData i dataReceived i convert the number byte data to a numan.. the number byte data to a numan readable integer int totalBytes BitConverter.ToInt32 totalBytesData 0 create a new array with..

File Copy with Progress Bar


DestFilePath FileMode.CreateNew FileAccess.Write long totalBytes 0 int currentBlockSize 0 while currentBlockSize source.Read.. currentBlockSize source.Read buffer 0 buffer.Length 0 totalBytes currentBlockSize double persentage double totalBytes 100.0.. 0 totalBytes currentBlockSize double persentage double totalBytes 100.0 fileLength dest.Write buffer 0 currentBlockSize cancelFlag..

How do I Async download multiple files using webclient, but one at a time?


bytesIn double.Parse e.BytesReceived.ToString double totalBytes double.Parse e.TotalBytesToReceive.ToString double percentage.. e.TotalBytesToReceive.ToString double percentage bytesIn totalBytes 100 progressBar1.Value int.Parse Math.Truncate percentage .ToString.. bytesIn double.Parse e.BytesReceived.ToString double totalBytes double.Parse e.TotalBytesToReceive.ToString double percentage..