

c# Programming Glossary: tokensessionid

Detect if running as Administrator with or without elevated privileges?


TokenStatistics TokenRestrictedSids TokenSessionId TokenGroupsAndPrivileges TokenSessionReference TokenSandBoxInert..

How to get the logon SID in c#


WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent .Token TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenSessionId TokenInformation TokenInfLength out TokenInfLength Please note.. with TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenSessionId which is exactly what you need. Hope this helps. Update Here's.. TokenStatistics TokenRestrictedSids TokenSessionId TokenGroupsAndPrivileges TokenSessionReference TokenSandBoxInert..

Process.Start with different credentials with UAC on


TokenStatistics TokenRestrictedSids TokenSessionId TokenGroupsAndPrivileges TokenSessionReference TokenSandBoxInert.. hUserTokenDup TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenSessionId ref dwSessionId UInt32 IntPtr.Size output.AppendLine..

Possible to launch a process in a user's session from a service?


can use GetTokenInformation function with the parameter TokenSessionId see http msdn.microsoft.com en us library aa446671.aspx to receive.. cbReturnLength bSuccess GetTokenInformation hClient TokenSessionId dwSessionId sizeof DWORD cbReturnLength bSuccess OpenProcessToken.. SE_TCB_NAME bSuccess SetTokenInformation hNewProcessToken TokenSessionId dwSessionId sizeof DWORD bSuccess CreateProcessAsUser hNewProcessToken..

Using Process.Start() to start a process as a different user from within a Windows Service


TokenStatistics TokenRestrictedSids TokenSessionId TokenGroupsAndPrivileges TokenSessionReference TokenSandBoxInert..

How to get a Unique ID for the current user's logon session in windows - c#


value is the same as returned by GetTokenInformation ... TokenSessionId ... . Note One thing you should keep in mind is that Session.. TokenStatistics TokenRestrictedSids TokenSessionId TokenGroupsAndPrivileges TokenSessionReference TokenSandBoxInert.. result GetTokenInformation hToken TokenInformationClass.TokenSessionId tokenInfo sizeof Int32 out infoSize if result int tokenSessionId..