c# Programming Glossary: totalweight
Random weighted choice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/56692/random-weighted-choice public static Broker GetBroker List Broker brokers int totalWeight totalWeight is the sum of all brokers' weight int randomNumber.. Broker GetBroker List Broker brokers int totalWeight totalWeight is the sum of all brokers' weight int randomNumber _rnd.Next.. sum of all brokers' weight int randomNumber _rnd.Next 0 totalWeight Broker selectedBroker null foreach Broker broker in brokers..
.NET Casting Generic List http://stackoverflow.com/questions/674715/net-casting-generic-list GetForShipWeight List IPackable packages double totalWeight 0 foreach IPackable package in packages totalWeight package.Weight.. double totalWeight 0 foreach IPackable package in packages totalWeight package.Weight The following code does not work. List OrderItem..