c# Programming Glossary: tp
How to declare a friend assembly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1123683/how-to-declare-a-friend-assembly
Mobile Device Detection in asp.net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13086856/mobile-device-detection-in-asp-net Do Something else if System.Web.Configuration.HttpCapabilitiesBase myBrowserCaps .IsMobileDevice Do Something else.. this question taking and change a bit the code from http detectmobilebrowsers.com static Regex MobileCheck new Regex.. hcit hd m p t hei hi pt ta hp i ip hs c ht c _ a g p s t tp hu aw tc i 20 go ma i230 iac ibro idea ig01 ikom im1k inno ipaq..
How to use nested class in WPF XAML? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14546347/how-to-use-nested-class-in-wpf-xaml in WPF XAML Update answering 1st RV1987's comment Answers tp Creating an instance of a nested class in XAML tell that it..
Getting Cross-thread operation not valid [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1523878/getting-cross-thread-operation-not-valid public void CheckUnusedTabs string strTabToRemove TabPage tp TaskBarRef.tabControl1.TabPages strTabToRemove tp.Controls.Remove.. TabPage tp TaskBarRef.tabControl1.TabPages strTabToRemove tp.Controls.Remove this TaskBarRef.tabControl1.TabPages.Remove.. this TaskBarRef.tabControl1.TabPages.Remove tp I am trying to close a tab in the tabcontrol of windows application..
Process.Start with different credentials with UAC on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2313553/process-start-with-different-credentials-with-uac-on lpReserved2 public IntPtr hStdInput public IntPtr hStdOutput public IntPtr hStdError StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential.. workingDirectory String userAppName out StringBuilder output Boolean processStarted false output new StringBuilder try.. out StringBuilder output Boolean processStarted false output new StringBuilder try UInt32 dwSessionId WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId..
Unit Testing: DateTime.Now http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2425721/unit-testing-datetime-now Moq var timeMock new Mock TimeProvider timeMock.SetupGet tp tp.UtcNow .Returns new DateTime 2010 3 11 TimeProvider.Current.. var timeMock new Mock TimeProvider timeMock.SetupGet tp tp.UtcNow .Returns new DateTime 2010 3 11 TimeProvider.Current..
UI Automation “Selected text” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/517694/ui-automation-selected-text text from other application using UI Automation and .Net http msdn.microsoft.com en us library ms745158.aspx c# winapi user.. AutomationElement.ClassNameProperty Edit TextPattern tp npEdit.GetCurrentPattern TextPattern.Pattern as TextPattern.. as TextPattern TextPatternRange trs if tp.SupportedTextSelection SupportedTextSelection.None return ..