

c# Programming Glossary: target

Casting: (NewType) vs. Object as NewType [duplicate]


throw an exception if the source type can't be cast to the target type. The latter will result in sc2 being a null reference but..

High Quality Image Scaling C#


draw the image into the target bitmap graphics.DrawImage image 0 0 result.Width result.Height..

Do event handlers stop garbage collection from occuring?


as the publisher . For GC in general in particular the target it depends whether MyFunction is static or instance based. A.. that this is one way i.e. if we have publisher.SomeEvent target.SomeHandler then publisher will keep target alive but target.. target.SomeHandler then publisher will keep target alive but target will not keep publisher alive. So no if pClass..

Are string.Equals() and == operator really same? [duplicate]


used will depend on the execution time type of the target object whereas the implementation of used is determined based..

Dynamic LINQ OrderBy on IEnumerable<T>


arr Array.ConvertAll props GetCallSiteLocked accessor target object val object target for int i 0 i arr.Length i .. GetCallSiteLocked accessor target object val object target for int i 0 i arr.Length i var cs arr i val cs.Target.. val else var callSite GetCallSiteLocked name accessor target return callSite.Target callSite object target accessors..

VS2010 does not show unhandled exception message in a WinForms Application on a 64-bit version of Windows


without one. Project Properties Build tab change Platform target to AnyCPU. The unfortunately disables Edit Continue and might..

In C#, why is String a reference type that behaves like a value type?


How to crop an image using C#?


... Bitmap src Image.FromFile fileName as Bitmap Bitmap target new Bitmap cropRect.Width cropRect.Height using Graphics g Graphics.FromImage.. cropRect.Height using Graphics g Graphics.FromImage target g.DrawImage src new Rectangle 0 0 target.Width target.Height.. target g.DrawImage src new Rectangle 0 0 target.Width target.Height cropRect GraphicsUnit.Pixel share improve..

How to implement custom JsonConverter in JSON.NET to deserialize a List of base class objects


from stream JObject jObject JObject.Load reader Create target object based on JObject T target Create objectType jObject Populate.. reader Create target object based on JObject T target Create objectType jObject Populate the object properties serializer.Populate.. object properties serializer.Populate jObject.CreateReader target return target public override void WriteJson JsonWriter writer..

Quickest way to convert a base 10 number to any base in .NET?


int value char baseChars string result string.Empty int targetBase baseChars.Length do result baseChars value targetBase result.. int targetBase baseChars.Length do result baseChars value targetBase result value value targetBase while value 0 return result.. do result baseChars value targetBase result value value targetBase while value 0 return result summary An optimized method..

Generating an Xml Serialization assembly as part of my build


extension points exist see Microsoft.Common.targets. Target Name BeforeBuild Target Target Name AfterBuild Target Now we.. see Microsoft.Common.targets. Target Name BeforeBuild Target Target Name AfterBuild Target Now we just insert our own AfterBuild.. Microsoft.Common.targets. Target Name BeforeBuild Target Target Name AfterBuild Target Now we just insert our own AfterBuild..

Regular Expression to find a string included between two characters, while EXCLUDING the delimiters


with C# RegEx object. A simple example should be helpful Target extract the substring between square brackets without returning..

How can I programmatically generate keypress events in C#?


Key.Insert Key to send var target Keyboard.FocusedElement Target element var routedEvent Keyboard.KeyDownEvent Event to send..

C# Conditional Compilation and framework targets


a AfterBuild target to compile your different versions Target Name AfterBuild MSBuild Condition ' Framework ' 'NET20' Projects.. MSBuildProjectFile Properties Framework NET20 RunEachTargetSeparately true Target This example will recompile the entire.. Properties Framework NET20 RunEachTargetSeparately true Target This example will recompile the entire project with the Framework..

Changing master volume level


LayoutKind.Sequential CharSet CharSet.Auto public struct TargetInfo public uint dwType public uint dwDeviceID public ushort.. MIXER_LONG_NAME_CHARS public string szName public TargetInfo Target StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential CharSet CharSet.Auto.. public string szName public TargetInfo Target StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential CharSet CharSet.Auto struct..

Is there a better alternative than this to 'switch on type'?


class CaseInfo public bool IsDefault get set public Type Target get set public Action object Action get set public static void.. foreach var entry in cases if entry.IsDefault entry.Target.IsAssignableFrom type entry.Action source break public static.. Case T Action action return new CaseInfo Action x action Target typeof T public static CaseInfo Case T Action T action return..

Visual studio one project with several dlls as output?


in your project file to generate the plugins library Target Name BuildPlugins CSC Condition Compile.Plugin 'true' Sources.. Condition Compile.Plugin 'true' Sources Compile.FullPath TargetType library OutputAssembly OutputPath Compile.FileName .dll.. OutputPath Compile.FileName .dll EmitDebugInformation true Target If you want to create the plugins library after each build add..

How do I suspend painting for a control and its children?


for Control Extension Public Sub ResumeDrawing ByVal Target As Control ByVal Redraw As Boolean SendMessage Target.Handle.. Target As Control ByVal Redraw As Boolean SendMessage Target.Handle WM_SETREDRAW 1 0 If Redraw Then Target.Refresh End If.. SendMessage Target.Handle WM_SETREDRAW 1 0 If Redraw Then Target.Refresh End If End Sub Extension Public Sub SuspendDrawing ByVal..

C#: How to get the full path of running process?
