c# Programming Glossary: taste
Non-repetitive random number C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1011198/non-repetitive-random-number-c-sharp
format of for loops http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1783822/format-of-for-loops
Starting a process without stealing focus (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2121911/starting-a-process-without-stealing-focus-c for cmd.exe It's starting to become a bit hackish to my taste but it works. Replace NEWWINDOW with a random guid or something..
C# Transition between GDI+ and WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/271686/c-sharp-transition-between-gdi-and-wpf is a good place to begin. Doing the above will give you a taste for what is going to be required for everything else you want..
ASP.NET - AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() - Assemblies missing after AppDomain restart http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3552223/asp-net-appdomain-currentdomain-getassemblies-assemblies-missing-after-app
Why do I need the Singleton design pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/482594/why-do-i-need-the-singleton-design-pattern the architectural constraints building code his client's taste etc. He doesn't arbitrarily choose elements before thinking..
Can I use ASP.NET MVC together with regular ASP.NET Web forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/541703/can-i-use-asp-net-mvc-together-with-regular-asp-net-web-forms ASP.NET Web forms to be somewhat unintuitive my personal taste only . So what I would like to do is use MVC but I can't really..
Game Architecture http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5458760/game-architecture Ball bounced by the Paddle but it is really a matter of taste. You could do it the other way around. In the end you should..
Applying AOP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/62798/applying-aop as using it for DI. But that's just my personal taste. But... If you already use castle for dependency injection I..
Best practices for large solutions in Visual Studio (2008) [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/690033/best-practices-for-large-solutions-in-visual-studio-2008 to one output folder Solution folders This is a matter of taste. Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi My Book Inside the Microsoft Build Engine..
NUnit vs Visual Studio 2008's Test Projects for Unit Testing? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/92869/nunit-vs-visual-studio-2008s-test-projects-for-unit-testing reason. This is better in 2008 but still too slow for my taste. Quickly running a test to see if you didn't break something..