c# Programming Glossary: smtp.send
iTextSharp - Sending in-memory pdf in an email attachment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1196059/itextsharp-sending-in-memory-pdf-in-an-email-attachment new NetworkCredential username@gmail.com my_password smtp.Send mm the Cannot Access a Closed Stream error is thrown here Thanks.. new NetworkCredential username@gmail.com password smtp.Send mm c# email pdf itextsharp share improve this question ..
SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermission' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11992851/securityexception-request-for-the-permission-of-type-system-net-mail-smtppermi config.fromEmailPassword smtp.Port 587 try smtp.Send message catch Exception ex Exception ex2 ex string errorMessage..
Sending email in .NET through Gmail http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32260/sending-email-in-net-through-gmail
Send email using System.Net.Mail through gmail. (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4677258/send-email-using-system-net-mail-through-gmail-c mail body mail.IsBodyHtml true string st Test mail.Body st smtp.Send mail The xxxx.com is a mail domain in Google apps. Thanks.....
Adding an attachment to email using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5034503/adding-an-attachment-to-email-using-c-sharp fromAddress toAddress Subject subject Body body smtp.Send message Thanks in advance. c# .net email gmail share improve..
Email messages going to spam folder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5042309/email-messages-going-to-spam-folder new System.Net.NetworkCredential emailID mailPass smtp.Send msg catch Exception Ex While testing we found that all the confirmation..
Can't auth to Gmail smtp via MailMessage & smtpClient http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9104645/cant-auth-to-gmail-smtp-via-mailmessage-smtpclient myGmailPasswordHere EnableSsl true Timeout 10000 smtp.Send mail I get smtpException The SMTP server requires a secure connection.. check if the Credentials property is null before you call smtp.Send message . If so then try inverting the order. It seems you have..