c# Programming Glossary: soapenv
Customize XML Serialize With new Tags And Attributes And Root http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13247449/customize-xml-serialize-with-new-tags-and-attributes-and-root password Account MyObject But I need the following result soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope.. But I need the following result soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns smag http targetaddress.com.. soap envelope xmlns smag http targetaddress.com soapenv Header Account username user username password pass password..
Delphi SOAP Envelope and WCF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2473051/delphi-soap-envelope-and-wcf things here This is how the message looks like in SOAP UI soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope.. the message looks like in SOAP UI soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns ser http services.xxx.de.. soap envelope xmlns ser http services.xxx.de xxx soapenv Header soapenv Body ser GetCustomer Optional ser GetCustomerRequest..
Error in WCF client consuming Axis 2 web service with WS-Security UsernameToken PasswordDigest authentication scheme http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3102693/error-in-wcf-client-consuming-axis-2-web-service-with-ws-security-usernametoken UsernameToken Security s Header But I'm getting the error soapenv Fault faultcode xmlns soapenv Server faultcode faultstring xmlns.. But I'm getting the error soapenv Fault faultcode xmlns soapenv Server faultcode faultstring xmlns WSDoAllReceiver security.. 2010 06 24T17 23 59Z TimeStamp CUSTOMError detail soapenv Fault There appears to be a missing Type attribute on the password..