c# Programming Glossary: preferable
Add Business Days and GetBusinessDays http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1044688/add-business-days-and-getbusinessdays this DateTime start DateTime end code here O 1 preferable no loops . EDIT By business days i mean working days Monday..
Recommended math library for C#/.NET? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1387430/recommended-math-library-for-c-net any recommendation for good math libraries free ones are preferable of course but that isn't a prerequisite. EDIT To make the question..
ReSharper Warning - Access to Modified Closure [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1688465/resharper-warning-access-to-modified-closure ACCOUNTSTATUS.Pending.ToString Why is this better or preferable to what I had originally EDIT It also recommends Wrap local..
What does the tilde (~) mean in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/188688/what-does-the-tilde-mean-in-c tilde ~ symbol before the name of the class. Dispose It is preferable to dispose of objects in a Close or Dispose method that can..
The best approach to create new window in WPF using MVVM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2108949/the-best-approach-to-create-new-window-in-wpf-using-mvvm Demo window modal dialog should be displayed. What is a preferable way to create and open windows using MVVM pattern I see two..
C# member variable initialization; best practice? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/298183/c-sharp-member-variable-initialization-best-practice go. Likewise if you have multiple constructors it would be preferable for the fields to always get set the same way so you might have..
IEnumerable<T> as return type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/381208/ienumerablet-as-return-type is wasted . 2 Are there any circumstances where it may be preferable to return something other than IEnumerable T Yes. While it's..
Scope of variables in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3979493/scope-of-variables-in-c-sharp won't matter where you place the declaration. However it's preferable to have declarations nearer use mainly in large code blocks...
Proper Use of yield return http://stackoverflow.com/questions/410026/proper-use-of-yield-return items in the list. Another case where yield return is preferable is if the IEnumerable represents an infinite set. Consider the..
Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute - why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4536090/collection-was-modified-enumeration-operation-may-not-execute-why
How do I implement .net plugins without using AppDomains? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/458699/how-do-i-implement-net-plugins-without-using-appdomains restart the application. However this limitation is often preferable to the large performance memory and code complexity overhead..
Different ways of passing sqlCommand parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4624811/different-ways-of-passing-sqlcommand-parameters the field in the passing of the varchars I assume is not preferable as it's a magic value which may be changed later at the database...
How do I delete a directory with read-only files in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/611921/how-do-i-delete-a-directory-with-read-only-files-in-c to need to. Is there any situation where one is more preferable to the other Sample code test.txt is read only . First way DirectoryInfo..
How to prevent a SQL Injection escaping strings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6547986/how-to-prevent-a-sql-injection-escaping-strings You need to use parameters. Well dont have to but would be preferable. SqlParameter myparm new SqlParameter 2 myparm 0 new SqlParameter..
What are best practices for using SmtpClient, SendAsync and Dispose under .NET 4.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7276375/what-are-best-practices-for-using-smtpclient-sendasync-and-dispose-under-net-4 sending of email can take a second or so so Async would be preferable. Should I create a new SmtpClient each time I send mail Should..
Why && and not & http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7331686/why-and-not and not Why is preferable to and preferable to I asked someone who's been programming.. and not Why is preferable to and preferable to I asked someone who's been programming for years and his..
How to Consume a Restful Service in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8883656/how-to-consume-a-restful-service-in-net framework When is WCF using the WebChannelFactory more preferable to HttpClient c# .net rest share improve this question ..