

c# Programming Glossary: picturebox1.image

How to auto crop an image?


Crop rects 0 .Apply autoCropImage autoCropImage cropped pictureBox1.Image cropped else if rects.Length 1 get largets rect Console.WriteLine.. new Pen Color.Red rects autoCropImage cropped pictureBox1.Image cropped else Console.WriteLine Huh on image catch Exception..

When is Dispose necessary?


pictureBox1.Region pictureBox1.BackColor Color.Transparent pictureBox1.Image bmp Do you have to dispose the pen and brush What about bmp..

Getting all the combinations in an array


Can a PictureBox show animated GIF in Windows Application?


public Form1 InitializeComponent a Normal way pictureBox1.Image Image.FromFile filePath b We control the animation gifImage..

Updating UI in C# using Timer


regulates how often the gauge is updated on the UI if pictureBox1.Image null pictureBox1.Image.Dispose dispose old image you might consider.. the gauge is updated on the UI if pictureBox1.Image null pictureBox1.Image.Dispose dispose old image you might consider reusing it rather.. The box tht contains the image Play around with this more pictureBox1.Image img Setting the img Image to the pictureBox class Graphics g..

how to draw drawings in picture box


object sender MouseEventArgs e if _Previous null if pictureBox1.Image null Bitmap bmp new Bitmap pictureBox1.Width pictureBox1.Height.. Graphics g Graphics.FromImage bmp g.Clear Color.White pictureBox1.Image bmp using Graphics g Graphics.FromImage pictureBox1.Image .. pictureBox1.Image bmp using Graphics g Graphics.FromImage pictureBox1.Image g.DrawLine Pens.Black _Previous.Value e.Location pictureBox1.Invalidate..

How to change color of Image at runtime


bmp.GetPixel x y Color.Red bmp.SetPixel x y Color.Blue pictureBox1.Image bmp Warning GetPixel and SetPixel are incredibly slow. If your..

How to save Bitmap as icon?


Icon ImageFormat using System.Drawing Bitmap bmp Bitmap pictureBox1.Image bmp.Save @ C icon.ico Imaging.ImageFormat.Icon This one fails.. StreamWriter @ C icon.ico Icon ico Icon.FromHandle Bitmap pictureBox1.Image .GetHicon ico.Save iconWriter.BaseStream iconWriter.Close iconWriter.Dispose..

Socket is not working as it should help!


CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy pictureBox1.Image bmpScreenshot sendbmp bmpScreenshot private void button2_Click..

Why is Thread.Sleep so harmful


string image in images this.Invoke this.Enabled true pictureBox1.Image new Bitmap image Thread.Sleep 1000 c# multithreading sleep..