c# Programming Glossary: placement
Get window state of another process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11065026/get-window-state-of-another-process Process proc in procs if proc.ProcessName notepad var placement GetPlacement proc.MainWindowHandle MessageBox.Show placement.showCmd.ToString.. GetPlacement proc.MainWindowHandle MessageBox.Show placement.showCmd.ToString private static WINDOWPLACEMENT GetPlacement.. WINDOWPLACEMENT GetPlacement IntPtr hwnd WINDOWPLACEMENT placement new WINDOWPLACEMENT placement.length Marshal.SizeOf placement..
Has foreach's use of variables been changed in C# 5? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12112881/has-foreachs-use-of-variables-been-changed-in-c-sharp-5 embedded statement finally Dispose e And later The placement of v inside the while loop is important for how it is captured..
Embed PowerPoint Viewer in C# Win Form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1259369/embed-powerpoint-viewer-in-c-sharp-win-form 0 It shows the viewer on the form but the placement and sizing is wrong. How would one size and place it correctly...
How do foreach loops work in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/398982/how-do-foreach-loops-work-in-c is used too similar to using . Note the difference in the placement of the declaration int i inside C# 5.0 vs. outside up C# 4.0..
PDF Compression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8740244/pdf-compression library will happily encode JPEG2000 codestreams for placement into PDF files at whatever quality you so desire. If it were..