

c# Programming Glossary: pl

Mobile Device Detection in asp.net


midp mmp netfront opera m ob in i palm os phone p ixi re plucker pocket psp series 4 6 0 symbian treo up . browser link.. ti wv oran owg1 p800 pan a d t pdxg pg 13 1 8 c phil pire pl ay uc pn 2 po ck rt se prox psio pt g qa a qc 07 12 21 32 60.. t2 18 50 t6 00 10 18 ta gt lk tcl tdg tel i m tim t mo to pl sh ts 70 m m3 m5 tx 9 up .b g1 si utst v400 v750 veri vi rg..

Comparison of XSD Code Generators


to generate resuable basetypes when generating from multiple xsd's with the same includes. see also my other questions How.. see also my other questions How can I generate multiple classes from xsd ™s with common includes and How can I generate.. a wsdl I have found the following options Use xsd.exe supplied with the SDK and Visual Studio XSDCodeGen from Daniel Cazzulino..

Convert SQL to Linq left join with null


as per this question . var query from p in Programs join pl in ProgramLocations on p.ProgramID equals pl.ProgramID into.. join pl in ProgramLocations on p.ProgramID equals pl.ProgramID into pp from pl in pp.DefaultIfEmpty where pl null.. on p.ProgramID equals pl.ProgramID into pp from pl in pp.DefaultIfEmpty where pl null select p Here's a full working..

Kinect sideways skeleton tracking


This source is subject to the Microsoft Public License Ms PL . Please see http go.microsoft.com fwlink LinkID 131993 for..

recommend a library/API to unzip file in C#


studio team system share improve this question The LGPL http www.icsharpcode.net OpenSource SharpZipLib OR the less.. OpenSource SharpZipLib OR the less restrictive Ms PL http www.codeplex.com DotNetZip To complete this answer the..

C#: Oracle Data Type Equivalence with OracleDbType


for certain types. Questions What is the equivalent Oracle PL SQL data type for each enumerated type in the OracleDbType enumeration.. appear to be some funnies relating to converting Ints and PL SQL data types. Check this blog post by Mark Williams . share..

64 bits stuff for C# development


Studio 2008 Tortoise SVN TestDriven.Net Oracle 10g XE PL SQL Developer Dundas Chart Analysis Services from MS SQL Server..

Understanding the Silverlight Dispatcher


This source is subject to the Microsoft Public License Ms PL . Please see http go.microsoft.com fwlink LinkID 131993 for..

translate Perl regex to .NET


until E . Shorthand notation for Unicode property pL and PL . You have to include the braces in .NET e.g. p L . Odd things..

Insert blob in oracle database with C#


Close the File Stream fs.Close Step 3 Create Anonymous PL SQL block string String block BEGIN INSERT INTO testblob id.. testblob WHERE id 100 END Set command to create Anonymous PL SQL Block OracleCommand cmd new OracleCommand cmd.CommandText.. block cmd.Connection con Since executing an anonymous PL SQL block setting the command type as Text instead of StoredProcedure..

problem using Oracle parameters in SELECT IN


the parameter for the query declare it as an associative PL SQL array OracleParameter param1 new OracleParameter param1.OracleDbType.. param1.CollectionType OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray Then assign some values param1 new int 3857..