c# Programming Glossary: picasa
How can I get .Net to save this image? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2340337/how-can-i-get-net-to-save-this-image to save this image I have this jpeg that opens fine in picasa photoshop web browser etc. but in .Net it just refuses to work...
Uploading picture to picasa web http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6577846/uploading-picture-to-picasa-web picture to picasa web I m trying to upload a new photo to picasa using the API... picture to picasa web I m trying to upload a new photo to picasa using the API. code not working I am getting the following error.. string imgBin reader.ReadToEnd reader.Close string id picasa ID string album album name string url String.Format http www.picasaweb.google.com..
Where is the full size image in GData.Photos query? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9935814/where-is-the-full-size-image-in-gdata-photos-query my Picasa gallery online. Where is the full size image var picasaService new PicasaService Gallery var photoQuery new PhotoQuery.. GOOGLEUSERNAME GALLERYID var photoFeed picasaService.Query photoQuery var data photoFeed.Entries c# asp.net.. var data photoFeed.Entries c# asp.net gdata gdata api picasa share improve this question short answer media group media..