

c# Programming Glossary: opacity

Kinect sideways skeleton tracking


0 Height 50 Name leftEllipse Width 50 Fill #FF4D298D Opacity 1 Stroke White Ellipse Canvas.Left 100 Canvas.Top 0 Fill #FF2CACE3.. 0 Fill #FF2CACE3 Height 50 Name rightEllipse Width 50 Opacity 1 Stroke White my KinectSensorChooser Canvas.Left 250 Canvas.Top..

How to get screenshot to include the invoking window (on XP)


screenshot share improve this question Set your form's Opacity property to 100 and right click the TransparencyKey property..

How to fix the flickering in User controls


when it is dark. Or they can be black if the form has its Opacity or TransparencyKey property set contrasting badly with just..

Capture screenshot Including Semitransparent windows in .NET


MyBase.Shown Text Opaque Window Dim win2 As New Form win2.Opacity 0.5 win2.Text Tranparent Window win2.Show win2.Top Top 50 win2.Left.. this question Forms that have the TransparencyKey or Opacity property set are so called layered windows. They are shown using..

Application.OpenForms.Count = 0 always


Min MaximizedBox RightToLeftLayout HelpButton Opacity TransparencyKey ShowIcon or MdiParent property after the window..

Draw semi transparent overlay image all over the windows form having some controls


form that you display on top of the existing one. Its Opacity property can create the intended effect. Add a new class to.. Plexiglass Form tocover this.BackColor Color.DarkGray this.Opacity 0.30 Tweak as desired this.FormBorderStyle FormBorderStyle.None..

Is it possible to change the background color of the WebBrowser control before loading content?


most elegant but it gets the job done. I set the default Opacity of the WebBrowser to 0. Then I attach an event handler for the.. object sender NavigationEventArgs e browser_Post.Opacity 1 Now before I load a new HTML page I set the Opacity back to.. 1 Now before I load a new HTML page I set the Opacity back to 0 so it hides the browser while the new HTML is being..

WPF MVVM Modal Overlay Dialog only over a View (not Window)


Border.BitmapEffect DropShadowBitmapEffect Color Black Opacity 0.5 Direction 270 ShadowDepth 0.7 Border.BitmapEffect Grid..

Validation Error Style in WPF, similar to Silverlight


For the fade in animation I used a DoubleAnimation for the Opacity and a ThicknessAnimation with a BackEase EaseOut EasingFunction.. x Name errorBorder Background #FFdc000c Margin 1 0 0 0 Opacity 0 CornerRadius 1.5 IsHitTestVisible False MinHeight 24 MaxWidth.. DropShadowEffect ShadowDepth 2.25 Color Black Opacity 0.4 Direction 315 BlurRadius 4 Border.Effect TextBlock..

WPF C# InputBox


x Name InputBox Visibility Collapsed Grid Background Black Opacity 0.5 Border MinWidth 250 Background Orange BorderBrush Black..

Fading out a wpf window on close


Storyboard DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetProperty Opacity From 0 To 1 Duration 0 0 2 FillBehavior HoldEnd Storyboard.. Storyboard DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetProperty Opacity From 1 To 0 Duration 0 0 2 FillBehavior HoldEnd Storyboard..

Winforms: Making a control transparent


true this.BackColor Color.Transparent public int Opacity get if m_opacity 100 m_opacity 100 else if m_opacity..

Fade a panel- Windows forms


contents I am using Windows forms and controls don't have opacity property in windows forms. c# winforms .net 3.5 share improve..

Drawing image with additive blending


images we are using a color matrix to set hue and alph opacity like this ColorMatrix matrix new ColorMatrix new Single new..

How do I make my form transparent, but what I draw on it not?


transparent but what I draw on it not I tried setting the opacity of my form to 50 and then drawing a string on it. It seems that.. on it. It seems that the string I draw on it also has an opacity of 50 . How would I draw a non transparent string but let the..

“Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with” but another is?


this question Selenium WebDriver does not just check for opacity 0 visibility true height 0 and display none on the current element..

When setting a form's opacity should I use a decimal or double?


setting a form's opacity should I use a decimal or double I want to use a track bar.. or double I want to use a track bar to change a form's opacity. This is my code decimal trans trackBar1.Value 5000 this.Opacity.. in VB.NET in the past. c# winforms forms type conversion opacity share improve this question An explicit cast to double isn't..

Partial transparency with C# .NET 3.5 WinForms?


them together. Create a semi opaque window by setting opacity for your background window and create a second normal window..

Winforms: Making a control transparent


this question This is my special Control witch contain a opacity property a 100 working using System using System.Collections.. bool drag false public bool enab false private int m_opacity 100 private int alpha public TranspCtrl SetStyle ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor.. Color.Transparent public int Opacity get if m_opacity 100 m_opacity 100 else if m_opacity 1 m_opacity 1 return..