

c# Programming Glossary: oops

ReverseString, a C# interview-question


have any performance problems with these type of things. oops. c# share improve this question A few comments on the answers..

BindingList<T>.Sort() to behave like a List<T>.Sort()


RaiseListChangedEvents RaiseListChangedEvents false oops added try ClearItems foreach T item in arr Add item finally..

How should I use properties when dealing with read-only List<T> members


Main var el new ExposeList var lst el.ListEnumerator var oops IList int lst oops.Add 4 mutates list var rol el.ReadOnly var.. var lst el.ListEnumerator var oops IList int lst oops.Add 4 mutates list var rol el.ReadOnly var oops2 IList int rol.. int lst oops.Add 4 mutates list var rol el.ReadOnly var oops2 IList int rol oops2.Add 5 raises exception class ExposeList..

creating proxy using wsdl programmatically and wsdl parsing


Errors if results.Errors.Count 0 foreach CompilerError oops in results.Errors System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine Compiler.. Compiler error System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine oops.ErrorText throw new System.Exception Compile Error Occured..

What is the easiest way to encrypt a password when I save it to the registry?


it to the registry Currently I'm writing it in clear text oops it's an in house program so it's not that bad but I'd like to..

How do I filter all HTML tags except a certain whitelist?


vb.net regex share improve this question Commas.... oops Removed here static string SanitizeHtml string html string acceptable..

ArrayList vs List<object>


to tell them apart. Except that I tend to see ArrayList as oops somebody is writing legacy code again... p share improve this..

Changing color of scroll bar in ListView in WinForms


someone's computer. If that someone is one of your users oops. The handful of applications that use custom themes do a lot..

Questions on a Haskell -> C# conversion


Ext y return new Ext x.a y.a 5 x.b y.b x.a y.b x.b y.a ^ oops Conclusion So now it's completed. I only implemented to essential..