c# Programming Glossary: obtaining
Padding is invalid and cannot be removed Exception while decrypting string using “AesManaged” C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10469819/padding-is-invalid-and-cannot-be-removed-exception-while-decrypting-string-using statement you wouldn't have this problem if you waited obtaining the encrypted bytes until after the CryptoStream is closed...
Identifying last loop when using for each http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1068110/identifying-last-loop-when-using-for-each loops foreach share improve this question How about obtaining a reference to the last item first and then use it for comparison..
Open link in new TAB (WebBrowser Control) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1286746/open-link-in-new-tab-webbrowser-control of the other potential hacked together solutions such as obtaining the last link selected by the user before the OpenWindow event..
Strip Byte Order Mark from string in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1317700/strip-byte-order-mark-from-string-in-c-sharp don't answer my question. In C# I have a string that I'm obtaining from WebClient.DownloadString. I've tried setting client.Encoding..
Boxing / Unboxing Nullable Types - Why this implementation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1387597/boxing-unboxing-nullable-types-why-this-implementation a value of 5. On Unboxing Unboxing is simply the act of obtaining a reference to the unboxed portion of a boxed object. The problem..
How does WCF deserialization instantiate objects without calling a constructor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/178645/how-does-wcf-deserialization-instantiate-objects-without-calling-a-constructor _wasConstructorCalled true ... other members here When obtaining an instance of this object via DataContractSerializer you will..
Extending a solution for simple binding to a 'Text property to multiple Controls to handle binding to any Type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2391828/extending-a-solution-for-simple-binding-to-a-text-property-to-multiple-controls binding for simple properties done manually consists of obtaining a property preferably via TypeDescriptor.GetProperties obj propName..
What are the ways to obtain HDD serial number without WMI? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/242480/what-are-the-ways-to-obtain-hdd-serial-number-without-wmi read the serial number. I am interested in another way of obtaining this information without WMI for IDE and SATA HDD since I get..
Create a summary description of a schedule given a list of shifts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3165867/create-a-summary-description-of-a-schedule-given-a-list-of-shifts 150 6 monexcp Table 1 7 Rn 9 Rn 2 7 Now we join the data obtaining one big dataset data Join monshft1 monshft2 wedshft1 wedshft2..
Read foreign key metadata programatically with Entity Framework 4 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4384081/read-foreign-key-metadata-programatically-with-entity-framework-4 Entity Framework 4 Does anyone know how one goes about obtaining the schema information out of an edmx generated Entity Framework..
Dependency Injection vs Service Location http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4985455/dependency-injection-vs-service-location in one class. We therefore require an opaque mechanism for obtaining meta dependencies. Two come to mind Singleton and SL. The former..
Fast and compact object serialization in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/549128/fast-and-compact-object-serialization-in-net BinaryFormatter with compression to Protocol Buffers and obtaining very good results. It's more efficient in both time and space...
How do I get the _real_ thread id in a CLR “friendly” way? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5624128/how-do-i-get-the-real-thread-id-in-a-clr-friendly-way philosophy. My question is is there a CLR friendly way of obtaining the real id of the current thread For reference here is a snippet..
All possible C# array initialization syntaxes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5678216/all-possible-c-sharp-array-initialization-syntaxes populated array of length 2 Note that other techniques of obtaining arrays exist such as the Linq ToArray extensions on IEnumerable..
lock keyword in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/59590/lock-keyword-in-c-sharp keyword marks a statement block as a critical section by obtaining the mutual exclusion lock for a given object executing a statement..
How to call asynchronous method from synchronous method in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9343594/how-to-call-asynchronous-method-from-synchronous-method-in-c WPF SL ASP.NET A synchronous method calls an async method obtaining a Task . The synchronous method does a blocking wait on the..
How to create Encrypted PayNow button “on the fly” for Third-party customers, using Paypal NVP API? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9939960/how-to-create-encrypted-paynow-button-on-the-fly-for-third-party-customers-us the BMCreateButton API Here you can find instruction for obtaining Third Party API credentials. thanks to this answer Some more..