

c# Programming Glossary: odbccommand

Easiest way to get a common base class from a collection of types


GetCommonBaseClass new Type typeof OleDbCommand typeof OdbcCommand typeof SqlCommand .ToString And got the right answer of DbCommand...

Check if a SQL table exists


string sqlStatement @ SELECT COUNT FROM my_table try using OdbcCommand cmd new OdbcCommand sqlStatement myOdbcConnection cmd.ExecuteScalar.. @ SELECT COUNT FROM my_table try using OdbcCommand cmd new OdbcCommand sqlStatement myOdbcConnection cmd.ExecuteScalar exists true.. ANSI SQL way. Works in PostgreSQL MSSQL MySQL. var cmd new OdbcCommand select case when exists select from information_schema.tables..

MySql and inserting last ID problem remains


reading and trying I still cant seem to get this to work OdbcCommand cmd new OdbcCommand INSERT INTO User Email VALUES 'rusty@msn.com'.. I still cant seem to get this to work OdbcCommand cmd new OdbcCommand INSERT INTO User Email VALUES 'rusty@msn.com' SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID.. Password commando ODBC command and transaction objects OdbcCommand command new OdbcCommand OdbcTransaction transaction null tell..

Configuration System Failed to Initialize


connect new OdbcConnection connectionString connect.Open OdbcCommand cmd new OdbcCommand SELECT username password FROM receptionist.. connectionString connect.Open OdbcCommand cmd new OdbcCommand SELECT username password FROM receptionist connect OdbcDataReader..